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( video. ) usedrapidspin August 23 2011, 00:44:18 UTC
[ O____________O IT'S ABOUT TIME ]



superboobies August 23 2011, 00:52:33 UTC
[ ...She just sort of stares like this, totally embarrassed that he even saw her in such a state of ugliness.

Though she doesn't really show it. ]



2/2 WOOPS FORGOT TO MARK superboobies August 23 2011, 00:53:32 UTC
Suzaku! You look all better~! Are you all better?!


She's so happy he's safe ;w; even if she's all CRAWWWWWLING IN MY SKIIIIIN (but at a much lesser extent) at the fact that she couldn't get there in time. ]


usedrapidspin August 23 2011, 07:44:38 UTC
[ yeah he is like THISCLOSE to his screen, if he had any less self control he would be shaking his gear because he can't SHAKE HER instead X( ]

Yes, I've been better for a few weeks! I was really worried about you, what happened?! Where are you? I'm going to come get you. Yukari and I are in Azalea, so just stay where you are.


superboobies August 25 2011, 08:36:09 UTC
[ Aw! Rangiku peers into the screen curiously because if he was any closer he'd be all up in her breasts.

And then the whole few weeks, and ... everything else happens. For the briefest of seconds, she becomes a bit downtrodden that she couldn't help him in his time of need buuut, her mood changes from Lto a sheepish sort of irritation. ]

I'm in the Ilex Forest! Basically, when I left to visit you, work said I was skipping because I was because I wanted to visit you and then, next thing I knew, I was being a wanted criminal and hiding out here for a month if only because the police are so fickle they extended my sentence.

Also, I'm not sure exactly where I am! I'm lost!


usedrapidspin August 26 2011, 08:59:47 UTC
[ sighs... not in annoyance with her, just in general. and then shakes his head, looking just a bit forgiving as he glances back at the camera. ]

I'm sorry. It's my fault, I never should have let you leave. I should've kept trying to talk you out of it, but I had no idea that it would come down to all this...

[ straightens. ]

I'll help fix this, somehow. But first, I need to find you. We'll come looking for you right away, so don't worry. It'll be alright. I promise.


superboobies August 27 2011, 16:15:43 UTC
[ Rangiku, for once, remains serious. Her face looks even, and reflective as if she's in deep thought. ]

It doesn't matter, Suzaku. I would have followed you no matter what. My determination to see a friend in his time of need would trump him convincing me it's not an issue. You're rather self-depreciative, you know.

All right. Just don't go near the Shrine. I slept under it and woke up somewhere else entirely.


usedrapidspin August 27 2011, 20:21:42 UTC
I remember the shrine. [ it's where he got stung when he was going through the forest the first time. 8| ] We should be there by nightfall, if not a bit later. Benji can give us a ride back.


superboobies August 28 2011, 06:13:16 UTC
All right. Thank you so much Suzaku! I'll be waiting for you! You and Yukari are the best friends that anyone would have to kill for! But I have you both for free~! You can- [ Rangiku gets an idea! ]

Mayuri - I choose you!

[ And so a Yanmega comes out and buzzes around, semi-oblivious to the seriousness. Rangiku ties her pink scarf around it. ]

Mayuri! Float around and above the trees so Suzaku can find me quicker!


usedrapidspin August 28 2011, 23:59:16 UTC
[ gosh Matsumoto-san you're so smart. he even actually kinda maybe smiles a little! ]

That'll be a big help, thanks. Just sit tight.

[ /LEAVIN NOW!!! do we wanna action this somewhere ]


superboobies August 29 2011, 00:12:34 UTC
[ smiles back as she rummages through her make-up bag making sure to find the reddest lipstick ever! ]

Okay, Suzaku~!

[ I'M NOT SURE... We can make it a log post or ...action spam here 8D also we should include Lock, right? ]


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