Slave for Love - Chapter 6 of ?

Oct 21, 2007 22:51

Title: Slave for Love
Author : Annie
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Jared/Jensen/others
Rating: NC17
Summary : Jared is a reporter who will do anything for a story. When his plane crashes during an important job he finds himself in the Harem of a notorious sheik - Jensen. Eroticism, sex and love may follow!
Author’s notes: This is possibly the most AU of all the AU’s I’ve done and I’m not sure where it came from or where it is going!

It will also be more erotic and sexual than I have attempted in the past - so I hope I do ok - just imaging Jared naked in a bath had me going - so this could be a long haul!

Previous chapter

The Sheik’s Palace
Jared bathed the oil from his body and dressed slowly. He felt strangely empty, his mind going over and over the last few hours. He was tired and fraught and he could not understand why Jensen had not come for him.

The servant girl bought breakfast and he ate silently, realising that he would not see the Sheik this morning. Time passed slowly and Jared found that he could not read or even concentrate. He picked up the pad and pen that had been left for him but his mind remained blank. By noon he had written but four words

‘Why didn’t Jensen come?’

He was summoned to the Sheik’s quarters and went without question. He desperately needed to see Jensen, to get some sort of explanation from him. Somehow it mattered so much to him to know why Jensen had not come to him and he didn’t want to admit, even to himself, what that might mean.

The Sheik was dressed formally, in a golden tunic and harem pants, his feet bare, his short hair hidden by a red bandana. Jared had never seen Jensen without his voluminous robes and he found himself staring at the stranger before him. Jensen’s face was paler than usual and his green eyes were cold.

“Join me” he gestured to the cushions and Jared sat. There was none of the usual concern in Jensen’s tone, no whispered words of affection. Jared swallowed hard, unable to meet the older man’s gaze.

“I - I left my door unbolted” he found himself stammering like a green boy and he felt mortified, strange sensations washing over him in waves “You - you never came”

“I have other concubines - other loves who require my attention” Jensen reached lazily for an apple and bit into it, his eyes boring into Jared’s skin “You do not own me”

“I was under the impression that you owned me” Jared felt a burst of anger and something else and he could not bite back the words “You asked me to and I did as I was asked - was that so wrong?”

“You did it only to obtain mercy for that young woman - a mere girl who wanted me to believe that I was father of her bastard - you did it for that reason and that is not reason enough”

“Yeah - it was partially that…” Jared swallowed hard “But it wasn’t just for that reason”

Jensen stood up and went over to the window, staring out at the courtyard, his whole body tense “She betrayed me - I - it - I wanted that child - it would have been my first - a son and heir - I will care for him and her - but I will not acknowledge him” Jared heard that strong voice waver and he rose to his feet, his hand lightly touching Jensen’s shoulder

“I’m sorry” was all he said

“Sorry” Jensen turned, green eyes suddenly afire with passion and anger “When I saw you - clutching at that child - holding it so protectively - your eyes so full of fire - my God - I wanted to see you look at me that way - I wanted only that from you”

Jared stared at Jensen, his heart pounding hard in his chest. For a moment there was silence and then he lunged forward, pulling the older man into his arms and pressing his lips hard against Jensen’s, his grip tightening possessively around the Sheiks slim waist.

For a moment Jensen resisted and then his mouth opened and he accepted Jared’s kiss. He moaned, leaning against Jared’s body, his own arms going up and pulling the younger man closer as the kiss deepened and held.

Jared pressed Jensen up against the wall, his hands pulling at the formal tunic, buttons flying as he ripped it apart, his fingers splaying across the Sheik’s chest. Jensen was panting now, his face flushed and Jared realised that this was the first time he had been in control; this was the first time that he had initiated this and he wanted it, he wanted it so badly. “Take off your clothes” he hissed, hoarsely, taking in the surprise and lust on the Sheiks face “Take them off”

Jensen paused for just a moment and then he pulled off the ripped tunic and slid out of the trousers so that he was naked, his muscular body oiled and rippling.

“You are beautiful” Jared ground out, his hands coming down to touch, to caress, to hold “You are so fucking beautiful”

Jensen groaned and leaned in, so that Jared could take his hardness into long fingers. Jared smiled against his hair, his lips marking Jensen’s face, his neck, his chest. Jensen hissed and Jared continued to stroke him, his hands working harder and harder until Jensen was begging and pleading and Jared kissed him, working him through his orgasm until Jensen was slumped against him, his naked body covered in sweat and come.

Jared lowered himself and Jensen to the floor, his arms around the older man, bringing him down, pressing his lips against his hair. Jensen shuddered, suddenly so weak and vulnerable that he made Jared’s heart ache.

“I was only 15 when I found that I loved the male form” Jensen was speaking and Jared could only tighten his hold, wondering where this had suddenly come from “That made my life, if anything, harder. Then I met this man - an American - older than me - he took me under his wing and, when I was old enough, he took my virginity from me” Jared did not reply and Jensen did not seem to expect him to as he continued “I loved him and I believed he loved me - I bought him gifts - cars, jewellery, even a house - I was rich and I was naive - but I was so in love - I only wanted us to be together and I thought we would be - he promised me”

“What happened?” Jared swallowed back a lump in his throat

“I found out that he was married - that he was using me - and that the others knew - they were all laughing at me - when my father found out - he - he took me away from the school - he arranged a marriage for me - gave me my first wife” Jensen’s head was lowered, all arrogance gone “I loved him - and he hurt me - why - why does betrayal hurt so much?”

“Jensen” Jared pulled the man closer “I’m sorry - I’m so sorry”

“I should not have kept you here against your will” Jensen’s voice was soft now “It was wrong of me - I have used you - and you have let me - it is me who should be sorry”

Jensen pulled himself from Jared’s arms and rose, dressing slowly, his eyes still on the younger man “Tonight?” he said, his voice wavering

“My door will be unbolted” Jared stared into the green depths of Jensen’s eyes and felt that he was drowning “For no other reason than I want it to be”

Jensen smiled.


Jared was naked; the room was dark and only the faint silver of the moon filtered through the room, illuminating his oiled skin with soft light.

He was on his knees, head down, hands held out in front of him in supplication. His heart was beating hard and fast and he did not move, even when he heard his door open and footsteps coming towards him, slow and stealthy.

“Sweet one?” Jensen’s voice was gentle and Jared heard his intake of breath “What - tell me what you want sweet one”

“I want - I want you to tie me up and lay me on the bed” Jared’s voice wavered with nervous tension and lust “I - I want you to blindfold me and to - to do with me as you will”

“Are you - are you sure?” Jensen sounded choked, amazement threading his voice “I - I will no longer force you”

“Yes” Jared felt his cock harden and his nipples tighten, his stomach clenching with need “I want this”

Jared closed his eyes and felt Jensen’s hands under his shoulder, gently lifting him to his feet and guiding him to the bed. He felt the softness of ribbon tied gently but firmly around his wrists and ankles and then he felt the whisper of silk across his eyes “Jensen?” he whispered

“Sweet one” fingers moved across his torso “I have oil here which will heighten the sensation - may I - may I use it upon you?”

“Please” his whole body tensed as he felt the soft rub of fingertips across his skin. The oil was sticky and it made his flesh burn as if it were on fire. He moaned and he felt Jensen’s hands on his hips, holding him down as his hand encircled his erection, rubbing the oil across its hardness.

Jared moaned; the sensations were incredible, the inability to move, the darkness, the softness of touch across his body. Jensen’s hands played him like a musical instrument and he writhed, wanting only to give himself to the Sheik, wanting only to reach ultimate relief.

“God - oh - God” he groaned and bucked, feeling Jensen bend over and lick a stripe across his cock “I need you - inside me - please”

He felt Jensen’s hardness against his entrance and he let his legs fall open, his ankles twisting against the restraints. Jensen entered him easily, the oil burning him inside and out, his skin tingling, his balls throbbing, his whole body wanting and needing.

“You are so beautiful - ah - you are so beautiful” Jensen was moving inside of him frantically and Jared cried out, tears falling down his hot cheeks. Jensen’s hands pulled away the blindfold and Jared could see green eyes staring down at him with an expression that he had never seen before and that he knew would be mirrored in his own eyes. He wanted to put it into words but could not find his tongue, instead he pressed his mouth to Jensen’s in a wild, passionate kiss and let his body go, his orgasm crashing into him and making him white out for a moment, the sensations almost too good for him to handle.

He slept that night in Jensen’s strong arms and he knew, from that moment, that his door would never again be locked against the Sheik.

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