Slave for Love - Chapter 5 of ?

Oct 18, 2007 22:50

Title: Slave for Love
Author : Annie
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Jared/Jensen/others
Rating: NC17
Summary : Jared is a reporter who will do anything for a story. When his plane crashes during an important job he finds himself in the Harem of a notorious sheik - Jensen. Eroticism, sex and love may follow!
Author’s notes: This is possibly the most AU of all the AU’s I’ve done and I’m not sure where it came from or where it is going!

It will also be more erotic and sexual than I have attempted in the past - so I hope I do ok - just imaging Jared naked in a bath had me going - so this could be a long haul!

Disclaimer: I don’t own Jared or Jensen - but I wish I did. None of this is true and it is all made up. I don’t do this for profit - just for the pure enjoyment of writing!

Previous chapter

Jared’s Quarters
He felt tired, his body limp and used. The room felt oppressive, despite its light and airy appearance and he could feel a headache coming on. He bit his lip so hard he could feel his teeth puncture the tender skin, feel salty blood flow across his teeth and tongue. He wanted to get away from here, to get away from Jensen and the feelings that the man evoked in him. He was, in turn, disgusted, distressed and, yet, he was desperate to see the older man again and he didn’t know what to do anymore.

He was commanded to take lunch with the Sheik and he did as he was told. He had no real appetite and he picked at the plate of food in front of him, his eyes downcast.

“You look pale sweet one” Jensen’s voice was laced with concern “Are you ill?”

“I’m fine” he kept his distance, wanting, yet fearing the older man’s touch

“You lie” Jensen sounded angry “You are not fine - I can see it in your eyes, see it in your body language - tell me - what is wrong?”

“I - I need to go out in the fresh air - shit - I need to wear clothes again - I want - just to be me” Jared felt his face flush and he kept his eyes on the silver plate in front of him

“What can I do?” the older man moved closer and put a hand on Jared’s shoulder. Jared flinched, forcing his body to stay still, trying not to lean into the touch

“Let me go outside - maybe walk about the palace - and get me some clothes - I - I would like a pad and a pen maybe - just something - please”

“You ask many things” Jensen smiled “I will send clothes to your rooms and then we will walk outside. You are not to leave the palace without me - do you understand?”

“Yeah - I am your prisoner” Jared laughed, wryly “I understand that much”

“I only want good things for you sweet one” Jensen touched Jared’s arm “You are very precious to me”

Jared swallowed hard and looked into Jensen’s sincere green eyes. Fuck the man was handsome and there was something about him that just made Jared want to lie down and offer himself up like some sort of sacrifice. He shuddered “Thank you” was all he said.

When he returned to his rooms there was a pad and pen on his table and a wardrobe full of clothes. Granted they were not the usual jeans and tee-shirts he was used to - but at least it was better than being constantly naked.

He struggled into the loose trousers and bright tunic and looked at himself in the mirror. The trousers were low and showed off his hips and taut belly whilst the tunic was tight and clung to his chest muscles and emphasising his arms. His hair was growing long and there was a trace of stubble across his chin. He could see bruises on the tops of his arms and on his chest and there were love bites on his neck. He shook his head and turned away, ashamed at what was happening to him.

Jensen led him though the palace. It was as large as he remembered and he wondered if he would ever see all of it. They stopped in the harem and Jared found himself staring in amazement at the women there.

There were women of all ages and all colours. Blondes and redheads with pale freckled skin, black women whose bodies shone with oil, girls whose bodies were as brown as almonds and whose eyes slanted cat-like. Jared turned to Jensen “Are these all your wives?”

“They belong to me” Jensen smiled and the women laughed back at him, bowing and crowding round him, touching his face and hair “See” he pulled one of the younger women forward and Jared saw the roundness of her belly “This one carries my first child”

Something seemed to stick in Jared’s throat and he couldn’t understand what this feeling was. He smiled, hesitantly, as the woman and she returned his smile, her hands closing over her belly protectively. Jared felt Jensen’s hand on the small of his back and he tensed, hearing the women giggle and whisper, knowing that they were well aware whose bed their master was currently visiting.

He was relieved when they went out into the courtyard and breathed a sigh of contentment as the sun hit his face. The air was fresh and welcoming and he let his eyes turn skywards, delighted at the azure blue sky and the soft, whisper of breeze.

“These are my gardens” Jensen said, proudly as they walked through the courtyard into the yard beyond “Here I grow flowers and herbs - we use them to produce the oil that cleanses you and to make the drink that helps to enhance your feelings” he let his hand fall to Jared’s back again “And this is my lake” he swept his other hand across the silver stretch of water “Would you like to swim?”

“Yeah - yeah I would” Jared watched, fascinated, as Jensen stripped off his robes and stood naked before him. The older man grinned and then dived, elegantly into the lake, gesturing that Jared should join him.

Jared took off his own clothes and jumped in, unable to stop the whoop that came from his mouth as he hit the cold water. He swam for a moment, letting his strong arms and legs pull him along before he felt someone grab his ankle and he was pulled under, spluttering and coughing, his mouth full of water.

“Got you little fish” Jensen laughed and Jared pushed him away, kicking his feet and splashing him. They wrestled for a moment and Jared found himself gasping, laughter making tears run down his cheeks

“I’m not a fucking little fish” he groaned and let his legs tread water for a moment before swimming into the shallow water and laying on his back, staring at the sun

“You are happier?” Jensen sounded close to his ear and he turned to see the older man standing beside him, something bright and unreadable in his eyes

“Yeah - this is - great - yeah - thanks - for all of this”

“Come” Jensen flipped Jared over and pulled him closer. Suddenly they were standing chest to chest and Jensen’s mouth was over his and they were kissing hard and passionate, Jensen’s hands on his ass, pulling him flush against him, so that their cocks rubbed together, the pleasure sparking through him like liquid fire.

Jared gasped and tried to get even closer, his hands gripping Jensen’s hips and his fingers stroking at his strong thighs. Each movement caused skin to rub against skin and Jared could feel Jensen’s hardness against his own and it made him hotter, more eager. They kissed in desperation, moving faster and faster, until Jensen moaned and spurted into the water between them. Jared felt the older man slump against him and he held him upright, still rubbing frantically, closer and closer, until his own orgasm hit him and he screamed in ecstasy, his eyes closed, his teeth clenched, the water around him cold against his burning skin.

They climbed out and Jensen began to dress, watching Jared as he lay on the grass, his naked body welcoming the sun “I have business issues to see to” Jensen dropped a kiss on Jared’s forehead “I will come to you later - unlock your door”

“Not yet” Jared shook his head and saw Jensen’s smile fade. He knew that the older man wanted this more than anything, but it was his last thread of pride and he had to hold on to that “I’m not ready yet”

The Harem

Jared could hear the women shouting frantically as he made his way back to his quarters. He turned quickly and made his way into the harem, only to find the pregnant woman he had seen earlier laying on a pile of cushions, her face creased in agony. She stared at Jared and let out a long moan “My baby” her eyes were panicked “He comes”

The blonde woman who had prepared him on his first night came to him, her eyes concerned “She labours” her voice was low “It is too early - and the doctor is far away - you will help us?”

“I - I don’t know anything about babies” his own voice was veiled with panic “I’m a journalist not a fucking doctor”

“Just help us” the woman pleaded “She is close”

Jared knelt by the woman and saw her bite her lip in pain. There was fear in her eyes and she gripped his hand, her face white “He will know” she whispered “Now he will know”

“Know what?” Jared’s voice cracked and he stared at the woman, comprehension dawning. He was suddenly aware of one of the guards, a young brown skinned Egyptian, standing close to him, and he realised that that was the way the land lay. “You have to relax” he spoke to the woman in soft, soothing tones “For the baby’s sake if not your own”

Now there were other women, holding pots of water and warm clothes. The blonde let the girl drink something and it seemed to help her. She continued to clutch at Jared’s hand until, suddenly, she screamed and bore down hard, her face covered in sweat and tears.

“It is a boy” the blonde woman knelt between the girl’s legs and cut on the cord, lifting the squalling baby and letting it’s mother see it for the first time. The girl began to sob, turning her head away and the blonde, at a loss of anything else to do, handed the baby over to Jared.

Jared stared at the child; it was brown-skinned and black eyed and it looked back at him from a wrinkled face, its chest rising and falling, ready to cry.

“Am I too late?” at the sound of Jensen’s voice - Jared clutched the child closer - his big hands closing protectively around it, his eyes on the sobbing girl and the frightened looking guard

“No - your son is here” Jared looked at Jensen, his eyes pleading, wordlessly trying to convey what his mouth could not say “He is - he is fine”

All eyes were on him as he handed the baby over to the Sheik. Jensen stared down at it, his expression unreadable and then he looked to Jared, his mouth drawn into a tight line.

“My lord - you should be proud of him” Jared hoped that Jensen would see the plea for mercy in his eyes “And take care of his mother”

“Indeed” Jensen’s face was blank but Jared knew how he must be feeling. He remembered Jensen’s words to him ‘I rely on trust’ he had said and now that trust had been broken. He leant closer to Jared, still holding the baby and Jared moved subtly, so that he could put himself between Jensen and the girl “What will you do for me - sweet one?” his tone was even and so quiet only Jared could hear “So that I show mercy”

“I will unlock my door” Jared could feel Jensen’s pain radiating off him like waves. At least, he mused, this was something he could do.

Jensen stepped back, a smile on his face “Let us celebrate the birth of a healthy son” he cried “Wine for everyone. Take care of the mother and, when she is feeling better, she will have rooms of her own, better for her to care for the child”

Jared could feel the relief in the air. He saw the guard shoot him a look of gratitude and he heard the girl stop sobbing. He, however, only had eyes for Jensen and the Sheik looked broken.

Jared hoped that he could mend him.

That night he allowed himself to be bathed; he covered himself in scented oils and prepared himself. He unlocked the door to his rooms and stripped, lying naked on the bed, his heart pounding in anticipation, his stomach clenching with something he could not put a name to.

He waited and waited and waited.

Dawn broke and Jensen did not come.

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