Day Walker 12/?

Sep 11, 2011 20:08

Title: Day Walker 12/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Christian/Steven, Jeff/Matt,
Rand Orton/John Cena
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jared Padalecki or Day Walker as the
Vampires he hunted relentlessly called him, now they
Have something worse to fear then him.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: violence, blood play, general badassness
Notes: My version of the movie Blade because cable is evil, been watching Blade II
Disclaimer: as always I don’t own or rent anyone.

The day was just about to dawn when the Blood Pack returned to Acklestino International. Driving directly into the underground garage Orton couldn’t shake the feeling that something was right. He looked around the garage then at the rest of the pack. Cena looked at Orton he felt it too.

"You feel it too." Orton said pulling out his gun.

Miller rolled Jensen’s bike to a stop next to Jeff’s. Jared had a still sleeping Jensen sitting in front of him on his bike. Miller looked over into a shadowed corner the flash of silvery eyes caught his attention then disappeared. He motioned with his head to Cena and Orton.

The two large vampires moved silently toward the corner. Alistair watched them approach for a moment before slipping further back into the shadows. Getting killed by his brother’s thuggish protectors wasn’t in his plan. Father wanted the blood collected from the day walker. Retrieving it was his only mission.

"Shit I know I saw someone." Orton cursed.

Jensen started stir rubbing his nose against Jared’s neck breathing in deep his lovers spicy sent. "Hmm. Jared." He murmured his lips brushing Jared’s skin.

Wentworth watched Jensen and Jared and how easy they moved together. Every movement no matter how slight seemed to be an extension of the other. Wentworth felt a surge of jealousy and hate roll through his belly for the Day walker. Everything that Jared had become to Jensen should be Wentworth.

"We need to get Jensen inside and protected." Wentworth snapped drawing every ones attention.

Kane didn’t like the way Miller was looking at Jensen like a wolf eyeing a juicy rabbit. He made sure he, Carlson, Jeff and Matt were between Jensen and his brother. They had enough problems without having a threat on the inside.

"Don’t worry Miller. Protecting Jensen is the Pack’s main objective. And if by some miracle they get past us. No one gets past Jared."

"That doesn’t reassure me. I grabbed Jensen right out from beneath your noses."

In an instant Miller found himself pinned to the wall his feet dangling off the floor. In a faster than he could blink moment Jared had passed Jensen to Kane freeing him to confront Miller. Removing his sun glasses his amber gold eyes glowed with barely contained rage. "The only reason you aren’t a pile of ash right now is the fact I understand the need to protect Jensen at any cost. But believe me Miller that understanding is a very thin line at the moment. You cross it and I’ll have no problem in staking you ass out on the Mesa at high noon."

Alistair slipped through the duct work that ran parallel with the garage ceiling picking up bits and pieces of the conversation below. His father had explained Jensen’s ability to project an air of variability. It was a very deceptive variability because Jensen could be deadly to those who posed a threat to those he counted as family and unforgiving to anyone who crossed him.

Following the ventilation down to the basement where the cylinders containing what had been harvested from the Day Walker were left. There was suppose to be six cylinders full of blood but only one stood in the center of the room and it was quickly being drained. Alistair followed the pump that feed into the blood pool in Alan’s throne room. Cursing Alistair left dreading how to tell his father the state of events.

Jared entered the throne room quickly removing his and Jensen’s clothing before wading into the pool of blood until they were both submerged. He closed his eyes holding Jensen in his arms Jared surrendered to the healing rejuvenating powers of the blood. Jared felt Jensen hands start to move along his body his teeth sinking into his throat.

Wentworth sipped the red wine Jeff had offered him. He was enjoying the little erotic show the Blood Pack was playing out in front of him with the two humans.

Kane had the younger man pinned against Carlson’s body while he nibbled his way down the compact body until he could pull out the beautiful sinfully hot leaking cock and swallow it down. Carlson bucked his hard cock up against Matt’s firm ass. While Matt desperately tried to not thrust wildly into Kane’s mouth.

Jeff was straddling both Cena and Orton while they engaged in a frantic three way kiss. Orton hand one long fingered hand shoved down the back of Jeff’s jeans thrusting a finger inside his tight ass. Cena had threaded his fingers with Jeff’s jacking his thick cock.

Wentworth palmed his own aching dick never taking his eyes from the wanton display playing out before him. The blood in the pool was starting to churn, pulling his attention from the hard vampire bodies. His mouth dropped open as beauty rose from the dark rich red blood. Blood cascaded down Jensen and Jared’s toned muscled bodies like paint over alabaster statues. Wentworth’s body started to shake as his orgasm slammed into him.

Jensen looked over his shoulder at his brother now slumped in the chair. "Enjoy the show brother?"

"Fuck you Jensen." Wentworth snarled.

Everyone took a few moments to make themselves presentable again. Jensen walked directly over to his brother. "I have one question and your further survival depends on your answer Wentworth. Did you lure me to your club for Alan?"

"I would never betray you like that Jensen. I tried to take you with me when I left, but father threaten to have you hunted and killed if I took you. I’ve been the one who protected you your entire life Jensen."

"How did Alan know we would be at your club? That you would contact us?" Jared asked his arms crossed.

"As I told you when you arrived at the club. Alan contacted me to demand my support of him. I wanted to be left out of the little war between Jensen and Alan. But that seems to be a hope made in vain." Wentworth looked away from Jensen and the Day Walker for a moment then turned his attention back to them. "Alan is creating his new legion of day walkers in your image Jensen. He told me as much when we spoke."

Alistair walked into his father’s room bowing his head. "Father there was a problem collecting the blood. Jensen had pumped it all into the pool in the throne room."

Alan turned looking at his shamed son. Reaching out he cupped his head. "Look at me Alistair. If Jensen has filled the pool with the Day Walker’s blood that means they must have found a way to alter their DNA. This is what we need knowledge of." Alan cackled before pressing a kiss to his son’s forehead.

Standing by the veiled windows of Acklestino International Jensen watched the shaft of sun light peek through the edges. Closing his eyes he waved his hand in front of light. He felt the warmth but not the burn he expected.

Jared stepped up behind him wrapping his arms around Jensen’s middle. "You are changing. How does it feel?"

Jensen turned to look into Jared’s eyes. "It feels so strange, but good. Unlike turned vampires, vampires who are born have never felt the sun light. To feel it just once is yearning we all feel at one point in time."

Jared cupped Jensen’s face sealing his perfect lips in a tender kiss. There was still a war coming. Jensen would have to end his father Alan or Alan would end him.


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