Day Walker 13/?

Sep 11, 2011 20:12

Title: Day Walker 13/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Christian/Steven, Jeff/Matt,
Rand Orton/John Cena
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jared Padalecki or Day Walker as the
Vampires he hunted relentlessly called him, now they
Have something worse to fear then him.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: violence, blood play, general badassness
Notes: My version of the movie Blade because cable is evil, been watching Blade II
Disclaimer: as always I don’t own or rent anyone.

The Pack was in the training facility inside Acklestino International. Kane and Orton were sparing in the center circle. Blood trickled from a cut above Kane’s right eye and from Orton’s nose. The rest of the Pack stood watching evenly divided on who they cheered. Carlson and Matt cheer on Kane while Jeff and Cena cheered Orton.

Orton swung his long leg up to kick Kane in the head. The shorter man ducted delivering a spinning heel kick of his own taking Orton down only for an instant. Orton sprung to his feet as soon as his back hit the mat. Kane made the come get some gesture with his hand and a smirk on his face.

"Smug little bastard." Orton growled charging Kane burying his shoulder in Kane’s middle.

The sound of a bell ringing signaled the end of their sparring match. Orton held out his hand to help Kane up. "I think we gave them a good show." Orton teased looking over at the rest of the men in the gym all cocks at attention.

"I guess we did. I feel so objectified now." Kane dropped his head in fake shame. Carlson reached out and cuffed Kane in the back of the head. Everyone laughed.

Jensen was in the wing that serviced as the operating offices of Acklestino International. Many of the companies that did business with the legitimate side of the business that was run by Timothy Hutton were a little uneasy with sudden shift in power. Jensen had spent most of the day on a video conference call trying to reassure everyone that his being in charge would change the day to operations of Acklestino International.

"I assure you Mr. Galliano the importing and exporting contracted by you with Acklestino International is still moving as efficiently as it did when Mr. Hutton was in charge. In fact a shipment has already left Port this morning heading to your operation in Tuscany." Jensen paced his office as he talked into the headset.

"What about the special cargo? Well Acklestino International still be able to handle those shipments?" Vincent Del Torro a reputed Columbian Drug Lord asked?

Jensen paused rubbing his temple. Monthly shipments from South America had been a corner stone of the company for the better part of a century. Through Acklestino International’s ports drugs from cocaine and marijuana to opium was imported legally as coffee and coco.

"Mr. Del Torro all shipments are moving at their usual smooth pace. Nothing has changed except I am now in charge."

"Well I don’t fore see any problems then. That’s as long as things continue to move smoothly." Jensen heard the veiled threat in Del Torro’s voice.

"You will find threats no matter how subtle do not work with me Del Torro. Our arrangement works because I allow it make no mistake about it. You do not want to make an enemy of me." Jensen’s voice grew colder.

Jared walked into Jensen’s office closing the door he leaned against the wall his arms crossed watching Jensen. It still amazed him how beautiful Jensen was. Broad razor straight shoulders, trim waist, long slightly bowed legs perfect to wrap around Jared’s waist. Delicate yet manly features. Plump pink lips that begged to be kissed and bitten, green eyes that glowed like an emerald.

Jensen turned around seeing Jared for the first time. "Gentlemen I have another important meeting in just a few minutes so I will have to end this call. Why don’t we have another conference call in about a month to see if everything is still going well?"

Walking over to Jared Jensen grabbed his hand pulling toward the long leather couch along the one wall. Pushing Jared down Jensen crawled into his lap. Jared slid his hands over Jensen’s hips cupping his firm ass. Their lips met in a lazy kiss. Jensen tugged until he got Jared’s t-shirt off stroking his hands down the chiseled chest.

"God you are so gorgeous. I love to feel the fever of your skin." Jensen moaned as he kiss across Jared’s broad chest letting his fangs drag over the muscled Pecs.

Jared hissed as Jensen slid further down his clever hands working Jared’s pants open. Jensen looked up his eyes glowing like neon. He gave Jared a smirky smile before trailing his tongue over the throbbing hard flesh of his cock. He swirled the leaking head in his lips pinning Jared’s hips as he bucked up.

"Fuck Jensen!" Jared swore thrusting his fingers into Jensen’s hair.

Cupping Jared’s balls Jensen swallowed him to the root. The tangy taste of pre-cum filled his mouth. He felt his own cock strain against the confines of his pants. Reaching down Jensen released his aching dick starting to jack it in time with every time Jared’s cock hit the back of his throat. When Jared cum spilled down his throat Jensen's own hit the bottom of the couch.

Jensen pulled off Jared dick resting his head on his thigh. Jared petted his head. "Not that I am complaining but what brought that on?" Jared asked.

"Everyone is worried that Acklestino International won’t be run as efficiently as it did when Hutton was at the helm." Jensen chuckled. "They think I am to young to run such a large operation. What do you think they would do if they knew I was over 200 years old when this country declared its independence?"

Jared threw back his head and laughed. "They would probably shit themselves." Jared pulled Jensen up onto his lap.

The knock on the office door made both men groan. Jensen slid off Jared righting his pants giving Jared big cock a yearning glance before heading to the door. When he opened it Wentworth walked in. Jensen glanced over his shoulder to make sure Jared had tucked himself back into his jeans.

"Did you need something brother?" Jensen asked walking over to his desk.

"I just got a call from my security at the club. Alan has made an appearance." Wentworth pause waiting for the response to his little bombshell.


"Should I say it slowly Day Walker? Alan is currently holding court in my club for all his little freaks. Who apparently all look just like Jensen." Wentworth gave a little smirk at the glare he got from Jared.

Jeff slowly eased his cock into Matt alongside Kane’s. The younger man hissed Jeff pressed a reassuring kiss on Matt’s shoulder. He laced his fingers with Kane’s over Matt’s hip giving it a squeeze. The vampire started to slowly roll his hips forward.

Carlson watched the erotic threesome from where he lay spent between Orton and Cena. He traced his finger over the bulging peck of Cena swirling the almost dried blood.

Bringing his finger to his lips Carlson sucked it deep into his mouth. His head dropped back as Orton sank his fangs into his shoulder. Sex with the two larger vampires was always violent, bloody and completely sedating.

Matt screamed as his release spilled out between him and Kane. Both Jeff and the cowboy vampire shuttered through their own orgasms filling Matt to over flowing with cum.

"Shit! Fuck! I don’t think I’ll be able to sit down for a month. But fuck it was worth it." Matt said with a sleepy grin.

The Pack was just making themselves more comfortable when the alarm erupted signaling trouble.


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