I'll never do the things i want to do. However I will attempt to do them. This year my resolution is simple: Take a different photo every day. They may not be interesting to you but to me, they are priceless.
It has been some time and now that i'm here the abundance of things i wanted to say have slowly slipped from my lips and i'm left with wanting to be like i used to be
but i need a good, look at me, whoa is, me, pat my back, give me a hug kind of vent. and only you, oh loyal live journal readers will do any good at listening... er reading. that is if i ever decide to get the the point. the point of the matter is reallt quite simple. i am unsatisfied with life.
for dinner tonight i had a medium white cherry icee from target and a half a 15oz can of mandrin oranges. and i tried to make a vlog, but my camera only records 13 second clips, and i'm not patient enough to time out 13 seconds of humor. so i made a slide show. which you should check out on my youtube.com director: iMelon