Title: Happily Ever After...?
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Pairing: Alex/Olivia
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The characters of Law & Order do not belong to me. No infringement intended and no profit will be made from their use.
Spoilers: Loss
Summary: After the events of "Loss", Olivia is given a second chance to make things right...
Author's Note: Set a year after "Loss". The town of Dahlonega and NGCSU are real places, but all of the people and events occurring there in this story are figments of my imagination.
Alex administered the test to her class and she and Olivia retired to her office upstairs to wait for her students to hand in their completed exams.
“You really trust them not to cheat?” Olivia was having a hard time believing that Alex didn’t stay in the lecture hall during the exam.
“I trust them. Besides, I have them sign an honor code at the bottom of each exam stating that they have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance with the exam.” Olivia raised an eyebrow. “You’d be surprised how well that works.”
Olivia looked skeptical. “Yeah, I would. They’re college students.”
“I also told them that one anonymous student will be asked to monitor the class during each exam and report any suspicious behavior to me.”
“A narc? How do you convince one of them to rat out the others?”
Alex smiled. “I’ve never actually asked anyone to do it.”
“So, you really don’t know if they cheat or not.”
“But they don’t know that.”
“You’re such a lawyer.” Alex didn’t even try to hide her smirk after Olivia’s comment. She began working on an upcoming lecture and tasked Olivia with looking up references for her. An hour or so later, the first students to finish began handing in their exams. Jonathan came in and smiled at Olivia as he handed his exam paper to Alex. He hesitated at the door and turned around.
“Detective, can I speak to you a minute?”
A little surprised, Olivia looked at Jonathan and wondered what he wanted to talk about. “Sure… What’s up?”
He motioned for her to step into the hallway. She shot a look at Alex and then stood to follow the student. When they were a few steps from the office door, Olivia stopped. “Is everything OK, Jonathan?”
He looked hesitant. “I’m not sure.” He looked down at his feet and then back at Olivia. “There was a guy downstairs asking about Dr. Martin.” He had lowered his voice so that he was almost whispering.
Olivia’s blood ran cold. “What guy? When?”
“When I came out of the classroom to turn in my test. Something just didn’t seem right about him. You seem sort of protective of Dr. Martin, so I thought you might want to know.”
“What did he say?”
“He wanted to know if I knew where Dr. Martin’s office was.” Olivia jerked her head back toward Alex’s office even though she was standing only a few steps away. “Don’t worry. I didn’t tell him. I told him I didn’t know a Dr. Martin and that he must have the wrong building. I sent him across campus. The more I thought about it, the more I thought I should tell you.”
“Thanks, Jonathan, you did the right thing. What did he look like?”
“Dark complected, dark hair, he didn’t really have an accent though.”
Olivia looked at Jonathan curiously. “Why would he have an accent? Did he look foreign?”
“I just meant that he still could have been Colombian… even though he didn’t have a noticeable accent.”
Olivia froze. “Colombian?”
Another look at the floor before he looked Olivia in the eye again. “I Googled you.”
“You know, on the computer. Google dot com. I Googled your name.”
“Why would you do that?”
“I’m sorry. I just thought it was kinda weird that a New York Detective was way down here in Georgia ‘monitoring’ a small town college class. I thought it might have something to do with a case you were working on and wondered what kind of a detective you were.” He shrugged. “So, I Googled you.”
“And what did you find?” Olivia was pretty sure of the answer, but wanted to hear it for certain.
“That you were involved in a case in New York where an ADA was shot and presumably killed because of her involvement in prosecuting a Colombian drug lord.” He hesitated. “That ADA looks an awful lot like Dr. Martin.” He saw the look in Olivia’s eyes and quickly amended his statement. “Don’t worry, Detective. I would never say anything to anyone to put Dr. Martin in danger. But if I could find this information that easily, don’t you think someone else could too?” Smart kid. Not so smart feeling detective.
“If you see this man again, let me know. Do not, I repeat, do not try to do anything else, Jonathan. Just let me know, OK?” She reached in her pocket and pulled out a business card and handed it to Jonathan. “This has my cell number. If you see him again or hear of anyone else asking about her, call me.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Thank you for telling me this. And for not sharing your theory about Dr. Martin to anyone.”
Jonathan nodded. He tore off a strip of paper from his notebook and quickly scribbled something down and handed the slip to Olivia. “This is my number. If there’s anything I can do to help…”
Olivia shook her head and saw the disappointed look on the young man’s face. She took the scrap of paper and said. “Thanks. You’ve already helped tremendously by coming to me with this.”
He smiled and walked toward the stairwell. Olivia pulled out her cell phone and dialed Hammond’s number as she went back into Alex’s office. Alex looked up with a curious expression. “What’s up?”
Olivia spoke into the phone as Alex watched and listened. “I need a status report. We may have a problem.” Alex’s eyes widened as she listened to Olivia relay her conversation with Jonathan to Agent Hammond.
That phone call set into motion a series of events that would forever change a lot of lives. Flashes of events would come back at the oddest times, along with thoughts of what went wrong and what could have been done differently to change the outcome.