1. Bench11.
Diversion21. Harakiri31. Outside41. Taste2. Blasé12. Eden22. Hearse32. Passage42. The Lord's Prayer3. Break13. Edge23. Hostile
33. Physical43. Thud4. Caricature14. Far24. Ice34. Poignant44. Toy Boy5. Carpet15. Fault25. Impersonal35. Priest45. Use6. Challenge16. Forgery26. Judge36. Pyramid46. Variation7. Cuckoo17. Glass27. Landless37.
Reprise47. Whacked out8. Defy18. Glow28. Lost38. Single-parent family48. Worm9. Disgrace19. Gluttony29. Modesty39. Slap49. Yes10. Disgust20.
Grandmama30. Out40. Stray50. Zipper
I simply took my lovely monolingual dictionary and opened it at random places, collecting the first words that I saw on the page. Stories may be sometimes loosely connected to each other, sometimes they exclude each other. Ratings differ from story to story.