Wow, I’m sorry to hear you were unfriended for making what I think is a very valid point. I’m all for humane treatment, but sometimes the kindest course of action is to avoid prolonging the pain and suffering of an animal with such severe injuries. Sometimes, death is not the worst you can offer a creature in pain. Of course people have the right to spend money on charity as they see fit, but it’s also a matter of prioritising in my opinion; that kind of money could provide for a lot of healthy long-lived dogs but is instead spent on pre-op examinations of a stray that might not even survive subsequent and equally expensive treatment. This is not doing that dog a favour at all, nor all the other dogs or indeed human charities that could have benefited from the money instead. :/
Comments 2
I'm amazed (and appalled) at some of the things that people think are important over other things.
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