Title: AU: Drabble: Dance 2
Based upon: Viewfinder
Pairing: Asami x Fei
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Warnings: AU
Notes: Fei dances for Asami
Yesterday’s fic had Fei dancing, but it descended into something other than dance. I wanted Fei to actually dance. Today’s fic comes closer to that.
Dance 2 )
Comments 9
Asami's breath quickened. Glad it did, or he'd have fainted *again XDDD*. He'd been holding it for what, 12 lines?
*runs before she is beaten*
Twelve lines, but only a moment in time. Sheesh, description that takes 12 lines to describe takes only an instant to see. If I would have stopped his breath for just a second, it would have been a hiccup, and that's just not sexy.^^
A page boy ran out and gathered the cloak, then dashed away, leaving a man standing there.
Asami hiccuped.
Fei threw his hands up in disgust. "Oh would someone get this man a dialogue coach? And for God's sake take away the wine!"
*sticks tongue out*
And you really shouldn't have included the brown haired serving boy. During Fei's dance, I was standing at the back of the crowd in the banquet hall, on tiptoes, trying to see where his cuteness had run off to. I get distracted easily ^__~
Hmmm....poor His Excellency. Looks like he's got his appetite back. But I hear he's not too big on desserts. Too bad. But I bet that serving boy would make a good side dish...
... Anyway, loved it.
I love the way you described Feilong ♥ !!
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