Title: AU: Drabble: Dance 2
Based upon: Viewfinder
Pairing: Asami x Fei
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Warnings: AU
Notes: Fei dances for Asami
Yesterday’s fic had Fei dancing, but it descended into something other than dance. I wanted Fei to actually dance. Today’s fic comes closer to that.
Dance 2 )
Asami's breath quickened. Glad it did, or he'd have fainted *again XDDD*. He'd been holding it for what, 12 lines?
*runs before she is beaten*
Twelve lines, but only a moment in time. Sheesh, description that takes 12 lines to describe takes only an instant to see. If I would have stopped his breath for just a second, it would have been a hiccup, and that's just not sexy.^^
A page boy ran out and gathered the cloak, then dashed away, leaving a man standing there.
Asami hiccuped.
Fei threw his hands up in disgust. "Oh would someone get this man a dialogue coach? And for God's sake take away the wine!"
*sticks tongue out*
And you really shouldn't have included the brown haired serving boy. During Fei's dance, I was standing at the back of the crowd in the banquet hall, on tiptoes, trying to see where his cuteness had run off to. I get distracted easily ^__~
Hmmm....poor His Excellency. Looks like he's got his appetite back. But I hear he's not too big on desserts. Too bad. But I bet that serving boy would make a good side dish...
An arm slipped around her waist from behind. She felt a warm breath on her cheek. "Looking for someone? I could use some company. I just got off work, and I'd like to scram before his honor starts leering at me again. Want to go somewhere?"
She grinned and pictured him sitting on her bed. "I know just the place..."
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