Hello and Meme!

Feb 04, 2017 17:47

Hi! I've been lurking on LJ- but not posting so much. I don't know if this is particularly a *return* with a more demanding Personal Life and the "It's like a car wreck!" hell-suck aspect of the American news cycle. However, I'm in for tonight and looking to LJ and I came across a great meme! So pick, an episode, any episode. Taken from frelling_tralk and kikimayName ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

kikimay February 4 2017, 23:23:34 UTC
Multiple choices here (Or all of them, if you're up to!)

AtS "A hole in the world" and/or "You're Welcome". Also, if I can I guess, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban the movie.


sunclouds33 February 5 2017, 01:07:24 UTC
OK! I'll do all of them- but I may move a little slowly. First, A Hole in the World. See first set of comments.


kikimay February 5 2017, 10:36:09 UTC
Sure, take all the time you need!

Your opinions on AHiTW are very, very interesting and I never considered the parallels between the protagonist of Little Princess and ... Wesley! So interesting.

I have issues with Fred as a character because she isn't written with continuity. She's perpetually "the youngest" (But she should be older than Cordelia) and while she claims to not be the damsel in distress, that's basically her whole role on the show. And I don't like it. I like Amy Acker so much, she's incredibly talented! I love how she shifts from Fred to Illyria.


sunclouds33 February 20 2017, 14:46:10 UTC
OK still working through these ( ... )


sunclouds33 February 5 2017, 01:05:48 UTC
OK! I'll do all of them- but I may move a little slowly. First, A Hole in the World ( ... )


sunclouds33 February 5 2017, 01:06:28 UTC
A scene/idea from it that's particularly interesting to me: I wrote about A Little Princess's role in Angel in BuffyForums. I'll copy over what I wrote again ( ... )


sunclouds33 February 5 2017, 01:06:35 UTC
Moreover, Wesley has a Sara Crewesque element that Wesley and Sarah were very much weakened and emotionally forced into a Last Doll mentality because they don’t know important truths and the people who they counted on to be friends or allies pointedly aren’t. Sara doesn't know that she wasn't left penniless and she's being gaslighted to believe that she doesn't have rights to live comfortably as a child by Miss Minchen. Wesley has been mind wiped of formative history by Angel- and it's part of why Wesley is working *for* Angel at Evil Inc. instead of being his own boss. Actually, just a pure mind-wipe that solely removed Connor from everyone's memory would restore Wesley as nominal Boss of AI as he was pre-Forgiving. We never learn how the Connor-mindwipe rewrote history so Angel ended up as CEO of AI but it further dirties Angel's big lie/mindwipe as self-serving ( ... )


lokifan February 17 2017, 02:03:34 UTC
This was fascinating and I love it, not least because I'm RIGHT THERE WITH YOU on Sara Crewe and Anne Shirley's roles for me as a kid. (Jane and Jo, too, to a lesser extent.)


frelling_tralk February 5 2017, 19:24:37 UTC
It's good to see you posting again! :)

How about This Year's Girl and Who Are You for the meme? :)


sunclouds33 February 7 2017, 17:51:49 UTC
Happy to be back (a little). I'll do both but start with This Year's Girl ( ... )


sunclouds33 February 7 2017, 17:52:00 UTC
A scene/idea from it that's particularly interesting to me: Other than what I mentioned before, the Mayor scene ( ... )


lokifan February 17 2017, 01:25:37 UTC
I love the subtle ambiguity of Buffy hiding Faith from Riley but being self-aware and humble enough that she’d tell Willow that she knows she is being shady with Riley but she can’t handle an open conversation about Faith and most importantly, Angel. However then, Faith in a CRACKLING SCENE OF AWESOME is so confrontational and angry that Buffy immediately doubles-down on denying any guilt whatsoever for how she handled things or any do-gooder optimism that Faith is a vulnerable victim who needs help.

YESSSSS I LOVE IT. Who Are You is my favourite BtVS episode. Intense and gorgeous and I love the past-comes-back element and all the character work, especially how Faith impacts other relationships (Buffy/Riley most obviously but also Willow/Buffy and Willow/Tara.)


kartoffel_klaus February 14 2017, 23:07:10 UTC
Hi, I'm a silent reader of your essays and really enjoy them. I understand it you don't really like these eps but I thought a challenge may be nice. :)

BtVS: S07 - Same Time, Same Place
AtS: S05 - The Girl in Question


lokifan February 17 2017, 01:22:02 UTC
Ooh. If you've time, I'd like to hear about Privateers from The West Wing and Tabula Rasa from Buffy.


sunclouds33 February 19 2017, 14:36:20 UTC
OK! Let's start with Privateers ( ... )


sunclouds33 February 19 2017, 14:37:08 UTC
What I don't like about it: Well, the above were the good storylines in Privateers. Donna's story at having to pretend to latch onto this DAR couple because the male escort had a criminal background and thus, limited security clearance was stupid. It's suck that Charlie had to be one of the Aaron Sorkin Male Characters Who Proudly Persist In Courting Women, Despite Said Women's Objections. Even though, this is the only episode where I really have a problem with Charlie's behavior when he gave Jean Paul the wrong entrance information so he could meet Zoey and leer all over what she was wearing even though Zoey previously asked Charlie to leave her alone. I know it's part of a S4 storyline of Charlie still in love with Zoey. It plays better when it's Charlie just on his own not wearing a jacket to internally prove his love for Zoey or meeting her as friend-who-is-still-in-love-her to keep their mutual promise to each other to dig up champagne at the Japanese Gardens upon her graduation from Georgetown. Charlie's isn't usually as ( ... )


sunclouds33 February 19 2017, 14:38:03 UTC
A scene/idea from it that's particularly interesting to me: Actually, stop the presses, but I like my point from the West Wing Renaissance Entry. In contrast to the Continuity Porn of contrasting Amy's strategy with the marriage incentives vs. her strategy with the global gag order, the episode is silent on this:

That said, I do think it's a little problematic that Jed refused to compromise on the first foreign aid bill on giving money to a study on remote prayer (Guns, Not Butter) but he'll compromise on a bill imposing the gag rule. I think the remote prayer study was clearly the lesser evil but it seems like passing the foreign aid bill has became both harder and more political and practically necessary the second time around so the Bartlet administration is taking more crap this time around ( ... )


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