I think it's high time to stop being a baby about this and start posting a little. And I'm making my renewed effort an interactive one. POLL TIME
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I was debating whether or not to break into my chocolate stash when I saw your post on mary_mcawesome. Naturally, I took this as a sign! There's no way I could avoid chocolate after this poll even if I wanted to.
Ha, awesome. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Also, the only way you can truly appreciate chocolate (in my mind) is when you have a good stash of it and don't have to worry (at the start) about when it's going to end. Enjoy it! (I'm so jealous.)
Ah well, the nutella was great really, I don't know why I don't eat it more.
I had a sort of chocolate overdose in january which I am still recovering from. I work in a store, and all the left over sinterklaas and christmas chocolate got divided between the personell. I had so much chocolate, it could never have been healthy, but was very good!
Comments 40
Feel better soon. And if I could send you chocolate through the interwebs, I would.
You hate sushi? That doesn't sound natural. I just ate sushi two day's in a row and wouldn't mind eating it again tonight - lol.
Blech. I don't like its consistency, its taste and just the general idea of "raw". Ewww. *thinks chocolaty thoughts*
I had a sort of chocolate overdose in january which I am still recovering from. I work in a store, and all the left over sinterklaas and christmas chocolate got divided between the personell. I had so much chocolate, it could never have been healthy, but was very good!
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