The (not so big) Fangirl Food Poll.

Feb 17, 2010 19:05

I think it's high time to stop being a baby about this and start posting a little. And I'm making my renewed effort an interactive one. POLL TIME ( Read more... )

half-baked ideas, fandom folly, chocolate

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Comments 40

xiratania007 February 18 2010, 15:34:55 UTC
*bounces* I want Belgian chocolate!!! Right now chocolate of any kind would be good. I am not picky I like it all. Milk chocolate with peanut butter,caramel, or nuts would be first, but after that anything will do.


sumpta February 18 2010, 16:49:42 UTC
Hey, look, missy, no filling in the poll = no chocolate for you!!

And don't any of you Americans know about the joys of praliné? I'm completely gutted by its inpopularity.



xiratania007 February 18 2010, 20:16:58 UTC
Yes I like praline but there is not much around here with it. Icecream and that's about it.


sumpta February 18 2010, 20:32:37 UTC
Praliné icecream? I don't think we have that here... Hmmmm. Gotta get me some of that!


trialia February 18 2010, 19:16:26 UTC
If it makes you feel better, I hate sushi and love praliné, too...


sumpta February 18 2010, 19:19:16 UTC
Oh my, the relief! Finally someone who understands! I was about ready to pack my bags and leave the fandom, head hanging in shame...


trialia February 18 2010, 19:22:40 UTC
Oh, no, don't! I certainly have no intention of handing in my fangirl card because I don't like sushi and Laura does... (nor because I'm avoiding the hell out of all the Basauri posts, either). As far as I'm concerned, still holding "most prolific author" spot on Survival Instinct keeps me in there... XD - even if it's by number of stories, not word count.


sumpta February 18 2010, 20:34:19 UTC
Really? I'm loving all the Basauri posts, they make me happy. Good going on the 64 stories, though!


vulcanicity February 18 2010, 19:30:29 UTC
This is a meannnnn poll as I just gave up chocolate for lent! :( But to fill it out!


sumpta February 18 2010, 20:36:19 UTC
Oh, yes, lent. That's right, it was carnival a few days ago. Oops. But isn't being offered temptation and then resisting it part of the deal/fun? ;-)


vulcanicity February 18 2010, 21:31:56 UTC
Haha the temptation of non-stop chocolate-eating is the ENTIRE reason I gave it up (I'm not even religious...)! And no, no fun at all ;)


mairim2492 February 18 2010, 19:38:31 UTC
hehe I love polls and this have been very funny to do. Thanks! ^^
Now I want chocolate ;)


sumpta February 18 2010, 20:37:39 UTC
Thanks for taking it! It makes me all sorts of happy.

I think I ate three bars while writing the poll... *ashamed*


treeofstars February 18 2010, 19:53:26 UTC
Hee! I hate sushi too. I was very nearly heartbroken to learn that mary was the one who suggested it for the scene. She should have been eating CHOCOLATE.


sumpta February 18 2010, 20:39:17 UTC
See, that's what I keep saying too. I bet she wouldn't have been so *meh* if she had opted for the chocolate route.


treeofstars February 18 2010, 20:41:19 UTC
LMAO! I have only watched that ep once, but I do recall the look on her face. WIN.


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