1/26/01 Stressed to the Max ∼ from Despina's Infamous Green Journal (2/2/16; WC 507)

Jan 26, 2001 22:37

Table of Contents (SOTFW: SC summercircles)
Table of Contents (Despina's IGJ summercircles)
Table of Contents (travelsfar)

Despina's Infamous Green Journal
Stressed to the Max


We're now officially two weeks into the second semester.  Our school, in an effort at transparency in grading, has posted both the lesson plans and the student's grades on line.

Most people can do that from home, but I live so rural that the old phone line is too slow.  The connection times out before it gets down, even in the middle of the night, when general use ought to really drop off.  (So should I, but that's another problem entirely.)

Since the notes on who is passing/not passing have to be posted by 9 am Monday...  EVERYTHING must be graded, right now.  I've been running a half day to a day and a half behind all week.  The two reading classes both had deadlines for the end of their projects.  I have been encouraging EARLY submission = more support = higher grades, and have had a few takers.  But, the pile of procrastinators is 2' deep on my desk by the end of the day.  All the stuff I generally grade before school, over the noon hour, and on my prep period DID NOT HAPPEN, as I was busy working one-on-one with our most troubled non-participants.  (With a small bit of success, which may be too little, too late, but at least they are getting HELP.)

I brought home a 2' pile of stuff from my desk as I needed to be here in the 55+ degree weather to get the little car out of the snowbank, as it drops tomorrow, and she'll be there until thaw if I can't get her out now...

So it ALL must be graded and put in the book (which is on line so parents can see it from home).  This is a day and a half worth of material, but it includes two classes' final hand ins on a two week long project.  All I did today was work one on one with kids who were in danger, trying to help them get whatever they needed to do understood enough that they would be successful.  Of course, just SAYING to them LAST FRIDAY that they needed to do it NOW, not wait until the last minute, did nearly NO good... the last two days, 95% of the stuff hit all at once.

I sure did need this weekend.  Today's weather was just divine, and the horses got their hay hauled, the little car is where even if we DO get more as predicted, I can get her out, and the phone has been ringing off the hook.

I never get home on a Friday night before 10-12 pm, as I try to stay and put stuff in the computer and post it all, each time it rang, I'd ask, "Why are you calling me at this time on a Friday night when you KNOW I'm never home?"

So, they'd laugh and say they didn't know, but just "felt like" calling me, or something similar.


Last updated 2/2/16 Added to Summercircles (updated in Travelsfar); 11/24/15 two day 1/26/01 entries resolved; 3/26/10 Chained into novel and added to TOC. 1/6/10.

Word Count: 507


sotfw: sc: digj

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