Table of Contents (SOTFW: SC summercircles) Table of Contents (Despina's IGJ summercircles) Table of Contents (travelsfar) Back Despina's Infamous Green Journal
Cu's Escape
Doggone it! Dad was right. At least last night's dream seems to have broken my depression. I have to dash off to shower shortly, but I wanted to put down Cu's latest misadventure before I forgot salient parts of it.
This time, when they get to the part where they decide to take a walk outside the hotel, his wife slips off to powder her nose, so she arrives outside later than he and dashes from the door to knock him down. When he runs off, he sees his former partner in a window opposite the hotel entrance, rifle trained on him, but the man does not fire, even though no bystanders are close to Cu to have hindered his shot.
As more and more agents congregate at the front, Cu circles around, sneaking up the back stairs to his room, quickly shucking his blood splattered shirt, suit coat and tie in exchange for a green tee shirt. Hearing the ding of the elevator through his open door, he zips the bag shut and exits, again taking the stairs. As the stairwell door closes, he hears the thudding of at least two agent's feet pounding down the hall. A suitcase and his wife's purse in one hand and the carryall in the other, he struggles with the door handle to the parking lot.
Hiding behind the raised trunk lid, he scans the area. His benumbed brain is finally kicking in. He thinks of the frivolity of going back for their things, even though he knew they were all packed up and ready to take down at the last break before lunch. Catching sight of his boss's face in his former room's window, he decides it is too dangerous to take his own car, which is known. As the face disappears, he removes their traveler's checks from her purse, slams the lid, and leaves via the street exit, again on foot.
His mind starts investigating motives. As he reaches the corner, a trolly car passes, and he hops on. Once seated, he checks the other passengers by force of habit. Relieved when he doesn't see anyone not pretty obviously a tourist, he decides that no matter how much his boss discriminates against Indians, or how much trouble he has giving Cu credit for his good work or good ideas, that is nothing that could possibly result in cold blooded murder.
Cases. Anything there that is incriminating? Anything he might be afraid I will find or already have found? Cu thinks. Suddenly, the Webber file pops into his head. Spying a computer store, he disembarks, crossing the street to the entrance, and again scanning the area for agents, enters and catches the eye of a salesman.
"Show me your most powerful laptop, please."
After impatiently listening to the sales spiel, he breaks in to see if it can interface with the Internet. The salesman sits him at a desk by an "airport hub" and shows him how. As another customer enters, he begs some time to explore and play, and the salesman leaves.
Quickly he accesses his on line files, easily navigating the passwords, relieved that they have not shut him out. Moving the file to his private web space, erasing the history in the computer, and shutting down by pulling the plug, he leaves by the back exit, trying to think now how to get the material he has learned to someone who will 1) believe him, and 2) have the power necessary to override his boss.
Breaking away from my story, I glance at the clock. Well, looks like I go un-showered. I'll be late if I do it now. TGIF!
Next Last updated 12/28/15 Added first three sentences to match Travelsfar version; 12/11/15 Switched -- to ∼ to match Travelsfar; 11/19/15 Added link to TOC in both summercircles and travelsfar; added yet another missing space after end punctuation - Can't believe there was still one more! 1/15/15 added some missing spaces after end punctuation, a few commas for clarity, and Breaking away from my story, I glance at the clock. ; added italics to Well, looks like I go un-showered. I'll be late if I do it now. TGIF!; 11/8/2015 Standardized journal title; corrected the spelling of passangers to passengers; 3/24/10 Added italics to account for shift from third to first, Cu thinks. 3/10/10 Corrected spiel, Internet, un-showered. 12/21/09 Added TGIF! after generating a calendar for 1/2001... 10/3/08, added erasing the history in the computer, and shutting down by pulling the plug; (8/2/04.)
Word Count: 619