Sometimes, It's What You Don't Say

Jul 17, 2006 08:15

My first time to share my fanfic writing.
I can't believe I'm doing this. :-)

TITLE: Sometimes, It's What You Don't Say
AUTHOR: Satin_Toile
PAIRING: Giles/Xander
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. ME and Joss own everything. I take them out, play nicely, and put them back.
TIMELINE: Early in Season 4.

"Look out, Xander!" Giles yelled, "There, to your left."
Dear God, idiot boy, your other left.

"Look out? For what? Where?" Xander yelled back, looking to his right, as he was blind-sided from the left.
Jeez Giles, couldn't you have said something sooner?

Giles pulled a stake from the leather pouch at his hip. Moving deftly, he made quick work of the vampire.
I'm always saving the boy.

Reaching out a hand, he pulled Xander to his feet. Perhaps 'pulled' isn't the right word. 'Yanked' would better describe the action. Xander sensed Gile's frustration with him. Again.
Dammit. Can't I ever do anything right? It's not my fault she decided to blow us off.

Giles sighed.
Dammit. It's not as though he never does anything right. It's not his fault she turned away from us.

The Slayer was attending college. Not a normal activity for a Slayer; but then, very little about this Slayer was normal. Unlike most Slayers, she hadn't been trained in her calling from childhood (an embarrassing oversight by the Council). As a result, she was an entirely different kind of Slayer. She had no respect for rules or tradition. She refused to exist in secrecy, in the shadows. No, not her. Not Buffy. She made friends, and then she brought her friends into the fight.

Watchers train and they train. And then they train some more. Being a Watcher is a calling, of sorts, passed down from parent to child, generation to generation. Yet many are unable to meet the rigorous demands placed on those who wish to join the elite corp. The men and women selected are tested, questioned, and quizzed. Conditioned to respond to any situation, any problem, any demon.

A rueful smile played at Giles' lips. Somehow, in all that training, he'd missed the session that would have explained how he, fired from his Watcher duties and with a Slayer who'd quit the council, ended up here tonight, in a graveyard. With Xander.

The smile faded, briefly, as he remembered the Council's rite-of-passage test that he'd given to Buffy on her eighteenth birthday. In all his Watcher training, Giles had never been put to the test in such dangerous and foolish way. That damn was the beginning of the end. He had been replaced by that prat, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce.

And Buffy. Sometimes, when she looked at him, he still saw the pain, the distrust, and the anger. She'd forgiven him, but she would never forget.

Now, she was attending college and was too busy be bothered with Giles or Xander.

Willow had also immersed herself in college life. She was in her element. Books, classes, lectures, and Oz. Ah, the life. It left her little time for vampire killing and demon hunting.

"So here I am," muttered Giles, looking at Xander brushing the mixture of vamp dust and dirt off himself.
This is my Slayer.
The thought made Giles shudder.

Seeing the grimace on Giles' face, Xander spun around, ready to face whatever awful creature had caused the Watcher to look so pained. Seeing nothing, he turned back toward Giles only to trip on an uncovered root and end up on the ground again.

"I'm okay, man. Just looking for the low-flying vamps."
What the hell is making you look so horrified?

Xander stood up and turned to Giles, "You ready to go? We've dusted two vamps and chased off one oogly-moogly demon something-or-other."
You're lucky I'm here with you. Yeah. Or else you'd be all alone and probably dead. From that oogly-moogly demon.

"Yes, yes. Let's call it a night. Although I'm a bit surprised at how few vampires and demons we've seen. One would think, with the Slayer on a hiatus of sorts, the demons would be out in abundance. I can't imagine what's keeping them from running wild."
It certainly isn't the Amazing Watcher and His Boy Sidekick.
Good lord, what have I become? I'm beginning to sound like him.


They started walking home in silence. After about five minutes Xander couldn't stand it anymore.

"So, G-Man."
I know you don't like me to call you that, it's just fun to watch you grind your teeth.

Xander continued, "Why *has* it been so quiet lately? It's like every day is Halloween and the vamps are taking a holiday. What's up with that?"

Giles thought for a moment. "I don't really know," he replied.
X-Man. Damn, he'd probably love it if I called him that. Those damn comic books of his.

"It seems something is frightening them, making them cautious. The only vampires we've found, of late, have been new ones."

Xander smiled, "Lucky for us, what with Buffy doing other stuff and all. Yep, we'll take care of the baby vamps. That's the job for us."

Xander's hand smacked his head as soon as the words left his mouth.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why did I say that? Now Giles thinks that I think that he can't handle the old vamps. Stupid Xander, stupid!

Giles turned slowly, measuring his words. "After all my training as a Watcher, after all the times I've saved your life..."
Oh for God's sake, why bother. In his comic book mind, Buffy is the super hero and I'm just, just...Alfred the butler. Oh. My. God.


They continued on, each pondering the other, again in silence.

Giles surreptitiously slides a glance at Xander.
The boy's had a rough go of it. His parents have him paying rent to live in that dank basement. His best friends are getting on with their lives while he seems to be standing still. He's a good boy. No, he's been through too much to be called boy. He's a good young man. Yes, sometimes he plays the fool, but he's also shown himself to be loyal and brave, willing to put himself at risk to protect his friends. Hrump, I guess it's just you and me, kid.

Sneaking a look to the side, Xander watches the Watcher.
Whoa, I need to learn when to keep my mouth shut. This hasn't been easy for Giles. The Council fired him and then replaced him with 'screams like a girl' Wesley. Buffy quit the Council making Giles a Watcher with nothing to watch. Now she and Willow are at college, acting like we don't even exist. Me and Giles, we're like the Two Musketeers or maybe the Two Amigos.

The two reached the edge of the cemetery and prepared to go their separate ways.

Xander turns to Giles. "Same time tomorrow?"
It's good. I know we're doing something worthwhile. I know Giles will watch my back. And who knows, hanging around with someone as smart as him may just rub off on me. He's not bad for an old guy.

Giles nodded. "I'll meet you here, at sunset."
He may be goofy, but I trust him. The two of us will do the work we need to do. It's good to have him at my side. I see potential there. He's not too bad for a, young man.

giles/xander, z_creator: satin_toile, fic type: stand alone

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