Jun 26, 2012 21:04

Back by popular demand! We’d like to welcome you to the 2012 Summer of Sam Love celebration. This year we’d like to celebrate the big damn hero that is Sam Winchester but the catch is that the story or fan art should involve a summer setting. Hot weather? Camping? Summer school? If your story/fan art takes place in summer and can demonstrate Sam’s courage, strength and intelligence then we invite you to submit an entry for this challenge.

Here’s what you need to know to participate:

- We’ll set up two separate threads for the categories of fiction and fan art (including vids). Your entry needs to be gen (no slash, het, romance, etc.) and family friendly (no explicit sexual content, minimal graphic violence, minimal harsh language) in order to be accepted. Other characters are welcome as long as Sam figures prominently. Any season, pre-series or post-series is fair game.
- You’ll be asked to post your contribution to the appropriate thread any time between July 1 - August 1, 2012.
- On August 2, 2012, we’ll open up polls for each category for anyone who would care to vote. Voting will close on August 9, 2012.
- On August 10, 2012 we will announce the winners. The winners will receive especially-designed-for-this-challenge icons to proudly display on LJ.
- If you want to opt out of the competition we’ll ask you to designate that on your post; we’re happy to take submissions just for the sake of celebrating Sam.

When we start the threads we’ll include the specific format you need to submit (warnings, etc.). The mods will be available to assist with newbie posting, hook you up with betas, etc.

We’d like to show Sam some love for saving so many people so we hope you’ll join the celebration.


Your Mods (faye_dartmouth, dontknowmyname & sendintheklowns)

intro, instructions, guidelines

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