Doctor Who, British Museum, Forbidden Planet.

Jun 14, 2010 14:46

How brilliant was this week's Doctor Who? Best episode yet this season. I laughed all the way through it ( Read more... )

british museum, dc comics, batman, forbidden planet

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Comments 5

kazzy_cee June 14 2010, 16:48:41 UTC
I reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally want this



suki_blue June 14 2010, 19:59:35 UTC
Oh wow! I think I want that too. And it's not a bad price considering that's eleven figures!


velvetwhip June 14 2010, 18:09:23 UTC
Okay, the picture IS funny and I would have giggled. I also wish I could go to the museum. We don't get Renaissance art here...



suki_blue June 14 2010, 19:58:17 UTC
Ah, I'm glad it wasn't just us!

I really am lucky that I live so close to London. I wish I had more time and money to see everything.


kitty_poker1 June 14 2010, 20:08:26 UTC
LMAO! It's a polecat, or a ferret, or a weasel, or one of those rodenty things that aren't as creepy as rats, maybe. He's so turning up his nose at it! Now I want to pet it. *pet pet*

Forbidden Planet shouldn't be so hidden away. Seriously, there should be big neon signs pointing to it. Have we ever NOT got lost going there?


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