DC Comics Scans That Make Me Smile.

Feb 14, 2010 17:49

Under the cut are some scans from the most recent World's Finest, Batgirl, Secret Six and Legends of the Dark Knight Special

Yes, I'd like to report a hit and run )

batman, scans, batgirl, dc comics, dick grayson, ragdoll, robin, secret six, damian, blackest night

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Comments 13

saifai February 14 2010, 18:23:49 UTC
Gotta love the sense of humor in those things. Not quite the same in the animated versions of any of the DC shows.


suki_blue February 14 2010, 18:29:31 UTC
LOL, oh yeah, it's a very special sense of humour indeed!


kitty_poker1 February 14 2010, 18:47:28 UTC
Great drawing! But what's with the 'POW' and 'WHAM'? Is that a retro thing?

I'm rather taken with Ragdoll. LOL!


suki_blue February 14 2010, 19:15:05 UTC
Ah yes, the POW and the WHAM. They'll never die. Not ever. I do love a good sound effect. Apparently hitting several bodies with a car sometimes sounds like KRUNK!

I'm rather taken with Ragdoll. LOL!

LOL, yay! He really is wonderful. He's peverted and sweet and cute and a total woobie!


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suki_blue February 14 2010, 19:25:38 UTC
Ha ha, Supergirl picking up Damian... PWNED. *Scrappy Doo voice* lemme at 'em, lemme at 'em!

LOL, now I shall always hear that voice whenever Damian gets scruffed.

I really like the Joker clownish, because that's what I find terrifying. I'll have to read some of the 40's stuff to compare. Ledger def did an awesome job, but he wasn't funny enough for me.

Oh yes, I read Reborn AA. Wasn't sure if that was actually meant to be him at the end or if there was a degree of madness involved!

The Blackest Night tie-ins haven't been great so far for me but I will read any Secret Six just for moments of Ragdoll win. He never fails to make me laugh!

LOL, serious Ragdoll love!!


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suki_blue February 14 2010, 21:20:03 UTC
I'm not sure the Clown Prince of Crime would really fit into nolanverse!

LOL, that is very true!

I really don't know what to make of the Jester thing. If he is an evil twin I might just pass out from the shock!

and wouldn't it be interesting if he had gone back in time like Bruce. Well, where there's a Batman there must be a Joker

There must always be balance. Good thinking. That would be very cool.


ningloreth February 14 2010, 19:17:05 UTC
Ragdoll reminds me of Spencer Reid :-)

Have you seen him in the new season? Longer, darker, curlier hair... Yum.


suki_blue February 14 2010, 19:28:08 UTC
Ragdoll reminds me of Spencer Reid :-)

LOL, it's the long legs, isn't it? Yes, I really do see what you mean.

Loving him in the new season. Very hawt indeed. amejisuto and I were just saying the other day that he'd make a brilliant Doctor. Imagine Reid as a Time Lord!!!


darkhavens February 14 2010, 21:13:43 UTC
Imagine Reid as a Time Lord!!!

*iz ded*

*revives to smish Ragdoll*

Must read more comicses! *bounces*


suki_blue February 14 2010, 21:17:08 UTC
LMAO, yes, comicses must be read! And Ragdoll must be smished!


booster17 February 14 2010, 22:14:03 UTC
Really loving Batgirl and Red Robin right now - and now they're crossing over! *Squees* Long time Steph/Tim shipper here.

And yes, Steph and Damian totally have that elder sister/younger brother vibe going on. See the previous issue of Batgirl where they broke into that girl's apartment to try and interrogate her? Hysterical.


suki_blue February 15 2010, 19:14:30 UTC
Oh yay! I'm so glad I'm not the only one enjoying Batgirl so much. I really think it's brilliant, very witty and very clever to put the rest of the Batfamily in so early on. I'm so looking forward to the cross with Red Robin. Loving that, too!


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