
Jan 26, 2010 20:24

I really do hurtle through different fandom at an incredible speed. If there were a Fandom Grand Prix I'm sure I'd win it. Last week kitty_poker1 convinced me I absolutely needed to watch Being Human and, in fact, my very sanity depended on it! /exaggeration. Anyway, I watched, I caught up, I fricking loved. How scrumptcious is George?!?!?! And this week's ( Read more... )

torchwood, spn, eric, desperate romatics, aidan turner, pudding, true blood, george!

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Comments 26

velvetwhip January 26 2010, 20:31:02 UTC
You are such a kick and a half!



suki_blue January 26 2010, 20:42:52 UTC
LOL, why thank you!


shapinglight January 26 2010, 20:36:27 UTC
You'd never watched Being Human before? Bu-but why not?


suki_blue January 26 2010, 20:45:51 UTC
LOL, I dunno. It was just one of those shows I hadn't got around to checking out. That's usually the way I discover my fav shows. I wait until I'm the last person on Earth who hasn't watched it, then I announce in my LJ that it's wonderful and you should all be watching it, which you already are :oD

I need icons.


shapinglight January 26 2010, 21:07:24 UTC
beinghumanicons. renestarko is a terrific icon maker.


woman_of_ January 26 2010, 20:43:20 UTC
Oh George and Mitchell raging over missing their programme was priceless, and so true.

Aidan Turner is an excellent actor, then all three of them are!

What are you going to do if Russel Tovey goes onto Torchwood as Alonso Frame? Both series are so short he could do it.


suki_blue January 26 2010, 20:49:23 UTC
Wasn't it just so true! I had to pause the Sky+ because I was laughing so much :OD

They are all brilliant. I watched the pilot last night and it was weird watching the other Mitchell and Annie!

What are you going to do if Russel Tovey goes onto Torchwood as Alonso Frame? Both series are so short he could do it.

OMG, if RT ends up in TW I might have to join the NHS waiting list for a shrink because I'm going to need serious therapy. It'll be Ianto all over again *wibble*


PUDDING! sweet_exile January 26 2010, 20:46:38 UTC
Supernatural is helping me with the pain of Torchwood and Ianto. I love it.

Oh have you tried Glee yet?


Re: PUDDING! suki_blue January 26 2010, 20:53:38 UTC
New shiny shows do help, don't they?

Glee is on the list! I was due to watch it after BH, but S3 of Eureka arrived on pre-order so I've bumped that up instead. LOVE Eureka!!!


Re: PUDDING! sweet_exile January 26 2010, 20:57:03 UTC
Supernatural wasn't new as such I'd just forgotten how awesome it was.

My shiny season 4 boxset should be here soon :D

I couldn't get into Eureka. I tried and watched the first 2 seasons.


Re: PUDDING! suki_blue January 26 2010, 21:02:34 UTC
Ooooh! I think season 4 is my fav season.

Love Eureka. I really fancy Jack.


kitty_poker1 January 26 2010, 20:47:19 UTC
Hah! Always obey the Kitty. She never steers you wrong. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *coughcoughcough*

I'm so happy you enjoy BH so much. George is adorable and another woobie to love now that Ianto is gone. *sniffle* Spencer too!


Roger that.


suki_blue January 26 2010, 20:56:48 UTC
I shall never not listen to you again *coughcoughcough*

But you were so totally right! I can't believe how good it is. I can't believe how woobie George is. He's a definite 9 on the Spencer Reid Woobie scale!!


Roger that.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I also can't believe how funny I find pudding!


kitty_poker1 January 26 2010, 21:05:07 UTC
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I also can't believe how funny I find pudding!

HEEEEE! Best when served with dropped drawers!


sweet_exile January 26 2010, 21:24:33 UTC
Pudding is my word of the year. Yes I know it's still January but it's just that funny.


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