Random Dick Grayson (and a Few Misc) Scans

Nov 29, 2009 17:57

I've been in a retro mood lately so I've been going over some old comics. Under the cut are some scans that either gave me a bit of a laugh or just plain made me happy. I'm all about passing on the joy.

One-Two, eh, Batman? )

nightwing, batman, slade wilson, deathstroke, teen titans, dc comics, tim drake, dick grayson, the flashes, robin, picspam

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Comments 18

northern_star November 29 2009, 18:13:33 UTC
Shame, I was going to carve 'looked Great in Panties'.

ROFL! That would totally be the right epitaph for him. :D

Thanks for posting these! Cheered me up immensely!


suki_blue November 29 2009, 18:35:59 UTC
Yay, glad I could cheer your day!

Poor Dick, he'll never live those panties down. Ooh, that sounds weird out loud :oD


sistermagpie November 29 2009, 19:23:48 UTC
I love that apparently they're not shorts, they're a whole leotard!

Roy looks adorable in that first picture.

Why is Dick so adorable when he has a cold? I don't know any other superhero who gets them as much as he does, probably because somehow he looks so great with one. In this later version he's in boxers and a sloppy bathrobe and unshaven. There's an earlier story where he's wearing the snazzy bathrobe with an ascot!


suki_blue November 29 2009, 19:40:04 UTC
Best. Leotard. Ever. I guess that's why no vaillain ever managed to pull them down :oD

Roy looks adorable in that first picture.

I know, I just want to squish him. That cheeky little grin!

I really need to find this snazzy bathrobe!


talksick42 November 29 2009, 19:31:23 UTC
What I love is that Dick does a romantic leg-kick as Kory kisses him passionately.


suki_blue November 29 2009, 19:40:27 UTC
Hahahaha, yes, that cracked me up!


lonanivymaeve November 29 2009, 20:05:50 UTC
xDDDDD this made my sunday!


suki_blue November 29 2009, 21:21:40 UTC
:oD Yay, glad you enjoyed!


isilweth November 29 2009, 20:50:49 UTC
Dickie's adorable. I feel for Vic here - guy can't catch a break.


suki_blue November 29 2009, 21:22:17 UTC
LOL, he caught a couple of things, but unfortunately not a break!


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