Random Dick Grayson (and a Few Misc) Scans

Nov 29, 2009 17:57

I've been in a retro mood lately so I've been going over some old comics. Under the cut are some scans that either gave me a bit of a laugh or just plain made me happy. I'm all about passing on the joy.

I just love Roy's cheeky grin here. Who else would dare fire a sucker-arrow at Batman?

Apparently, toy!Batman is as dangerous as the man himself. Language, Victor!


Shame, I was going to carve 'looked Great in Panties'.

Having all the Flashes together makes me incredibly happy. Aw hell, just having Bart back makes me happy! Okay, this isn't an old scan, but I couldn't help myself.

I prescribe plenty of liquids and sex with Slade Wilson.

No, I said with Slade Wilson!

It's time for Dick to strip ...

... himself of the Robin mantle.

Batman can be a dick sometimes, and we love him for it.

This is Tim's first time wearing the Robin costume. Bless his booties.

My god, Dick, I think I had the same roll-neck jumper back in Primary school! We matched!

What else?

Are you sure? It looks kinda burger-shaped.

Dick is now Nightwing. In the next panel, he does the Time-Warp.

Seriously, Kory, we all asked exactly the same thing. One day, it will get better.

Also posted to we_love_dick

nightwing, batman, slade wilson, deathstroke, teen titans, dc comics, tim drake, dick grayson, the flashes, robin, picspam

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