More (crappy) rock legend icons!

Apr 01, 2011 14:58

Hello my LJ friends! How are you? I hope life treats you well, because I’ll torture your eyes with more crappy icons. I know I’m not good at photoshopping, and I’m too lazy to learn. But I had good times with Photoshop and these rock legends. So I wanna share them with you.

Well, you can see it yourself that my skill doesn’t improve at all =D But ( Read more... )

elp, fangirling, rush, icon, david coverdale, pink floyd

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Comments 2

ilovepagey April 4 2011, 21:26:17 UTC
Thankee :)
Love the 'yield before me fucking hammond!', gold coverdale, and DIO THE DRAGONSLAYER! I've always loved that pic!
Nice pagey too! When I get on a real computer methinks I shall take a pagey and a Dio. Will credit!


sujeneng April 24 2011, 14:39:23 UTC
glad you like it, hun ^_^


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