Fill Post

Oct 07, 2011 00:23

Post LINKS to all of your filled prompts here. Include the prompt's description in your comment. This will make it so much easier to catalog all of the filled prompts that are coming in. Be sure to check the Delicious account to make sure I've marked the prompt you've filled as, well, filled. Give me about 24 hours to update the archives. ( Read more... )


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Comments 244

Harvey/Mike or gen, boating accident phoenixoncloud9 October 10 2011, 12:09:11 UTC
Prompt: Harvey and Mike are on a client's boat for a meeting. Due to some sort of accident/mechanical failure/etc, the boat ends up sinking. Mike is hurt and can't keep himself afloat (there wasn't time to get life vests, weren't any on board, etc). Harvey must hold him up in the water and keep him afloat, trying to keep him awake and conscious until help arrives.

Fill link:

(Sorry in advance mods, but I haven no idea how to post on LJ, so it's on ym fanfic account >.<)


Mike/Harvey, Self-harm msmaddiesciuto October 11 2011, 00:56:32 UTC
Prompt: Mike can't handle all the stress. So he goes back to old habits; ones he told Harvey about. But he also told Harvey he stopped. (He lied.)


huffydoo October 11 2011, 15:43:18 UTC
Prompt: Psychiatric Ward AU. (Update of Our Own World for phreakycat)


(mod) ladyrocketdale October 12 2011, 06:27:13 UTC
Please, remember to include the header of the prompt that you're filling in the future. Thank you.


Harvey/Mike or gen, puking your guts up. rories October 11 2011, 21:11:41 UTC
Prompt: You know when you're really sick and you just puke and puke and puke until you're pretty sure your body has forgotten how to breathe in, and you belly aches and you muscles are sore and you're sweaty and trembling and even your eyeballs hurt? Put Mike in that situation, please. Like, so puke-y and sick and miserable he literally begs to be knocked unconscious or smothered or something. Also, if it happens at the office all the better. And Harvey is all IF YOU PUKE ON MY TOM FORD SUIT I'LL STRANGLE YOU WITH YOUR SHITTY SKINNY TIE but he still wipes Mike's face off and gets him water and supports him down to the town car before taking him home and making him better with snuggles.

Fill: Porcelain Express


Mike/Trevor, Mike/Tom, Mike/others dubcon and domestic violence WIP kurtofskylove October 12 2011, 14:22:47 UTC
Original prompt:
Trevor and Mike are in a relationship--an unhealthy relationship, but a relationship nonetheless. Sometimes Trevor loans Mike out to men to cover some of his debts because even the profits from the weed sales aren't enough to pay the bills, keep him in suits, and keep him alive all at once.

Enter Tom Keller, whom Trevor is deep in debt with. He offers Tom some pot and some time alone with Mike (because we all saw the looks Tom gave Mike in the locker room), free of charge, to help pay off the large debt he owes him.

IDEK. Basically, I'm just in the mood for Mike being loaned out to Tom by Trevor because my mind is like being on crack, but without the expensive upkeep. IDEK. Include whatever else dear anon wishes, and be prepared to be showered with my metaphorical love if you are wonderful enough to fill this.

Link to prompt, fill is nested.


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