round four prompt post - CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS

Oct 02, 2011 18:38



IMPORTANT: Please don't forget to warn for any triggers (these can be found in the Rules post), better to warn when in doubt. If a prompt is not warned for triggers and contains ( Read more... )

prompts, round four

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Harvey/Mike or gen, puking your guts up. phreakycat October 10 2011, 09:22:54 UTC
You know when you're really sick and you just puke and puke and puke until you're pretty sure your body has forgotten how to breathe in, and you belly aches and you muscles are sore and you're sweaty and trembling and even your eyeballs hurt? Put Mike in that situation, please. Like, so puke-y and sick and miserable he literally begs to be knocked unconscious or smothered or something. Also, if it happens at the office all the better. And Harvey is all IF YOU PUKE ON MY TOM FORD SUIT I'LL STRANGLE YOU WITH YOUR SHITTY SKINNY TIE but he still wipes Mike's face off and gets him water and supports him down to the town car before taking him home and making him better with snuggles.

Sorry, it's 2 am and I'm having a reaction to some pain meds and I'm all puke-y and miserable, so the obvious solution in my mind is to inflict similar pain on poor Mike. Sorry, BB, but you're pretty when you suffer!


Re: Harvey/Mike or gen, puking your guts up. staci_starseed October 10 2011, 09:28:58 UTC
I am barely conscious but I saw your prompt right here above mine and wanted to say: I have felt your pain and I hope you overcome soon!
here! my favourite "oh god I'm sick and going to die" movie.

(WHY YES! That is Jeremy Brett of Sherlock Holmes fame)


Re: Harvey/Mike or gen, puking your guts up. rories October 10 2011, 18:26:53 UTC
I want to live in your brain.


Fill: Porcelain Express (1/4) rories October 11 2011, 07:53:59 UTC
Blargh, this is probably riddled with errors. This fic is lovingly saved as Gut Puking Awesomeness on my harddrive.Looking back now - as he’s hunched over the toilet for the third time in thirty minutes - Mike realizes he probably should have called in sick. But Harvey had made it pretty clear that this case was of the utmost importance and if he didn’t have the files completed by nine this morning, there’d be hell to pay. So he’d ignored the pounding behind his eyes and the way his stomach felt like it was crawling up his throat all morning and finished the files and had them on Harvey’s desk at 8:55 am ( ... )


Re: Fill: Porcelain Express (2/4) rories October 11 2011, 07:54:53 UTC
Harvey uses the tip of a shoe to slowly push open the middle stall, sighing when he sees his associate hunched over the toilet bowl. “What the hell, rookie?” he asks before stepping closer. Mike shoots a look over his shoulder, wide eyed and almost desperate, before leaning back over the porcelain ( ... )


Re: Fill: Porcelain Express (3/4) rories October 11 2011, 07:55:25 UTC
The elevator is the work of Satan, Mike thinks as they take the quick trip down. His stomach lurches as it starts and Harvey takes a visible step to the other side of the elevator. He’s tapping out quick messages on his phone, one to Ray to meet them out front and another to Donna explaining the situation. She’ll have to call the client and postpone the meeting and Jessica will probably be pissed, but Mike groans again as the elevator shudders to a halt and Harvey finds himself not giving a damn ( ... )


Re: Fill: Porcelain Express (4/4) rories October 11 2011, 07:56:52 UTC
Harvey deposits Mike on the edge of the bed and tells him to get changed, leaving the room as Mike kicks off his shoes. The kid doesn’t even untie them, just toes them off and really that’s just terrible. By the time Harvey comes back with the trashcan and another glass of water, Mike has laid himself out on Harvey’s bed, not even bothering to get under the covers. He has successfully gone almost ten whole minutes without his guts threatening to turn him inside out and Harvey’s bed is cool against his skin and the shirt Harvey loaned him is worn thin and comfortable ( ... )


Re: Fill: Porcelain Express (4/4) phreakycat October 11 2011, 08:31:36 UTC
I sure hope you get 3 days off more frequently because this was pretty amazing! Which considering the amount of throwing up our poor Mike had to endure, sounds kinda mean but I actually really enjoyed this, especially how caring Harvey was.


Re: Fill: Porcelain Express (4/4) phreakycat October 11 2011, 08:36:10 UTC
Yay! *seal clap*

Poor, pukey Mike. I almost feel bad for enticing you to submit him to such misery, but he DID get Harvey cuddles out of it so really he should be thanking me.

I love Harvey's inner monologue, despairing at Mike jut kicking off his shoes, poor Mike's "I don't knooooow" was priceless, and Harvey petting Mike was made of win. Thanks so much for filling this! Totally made all that puking worth while. :)

And now you're going to go fill more prompts, right? Who needs homework!


Re: Fill: Porcelain Express (4/4) lidi_photos October 11 2011, 22:10:33 UTC
Wow! That was amazing!!!!!


Re: Fill: Porcelain Express (4/4) mockturtletale October 12 2011, 02:33:01 UTC
Uggggh this is so sweet! The part where Harvey first finds Mike and says "You okay, kid?" got me all teary eyed! I liked the fact that you didn't stray out of character for Harvey for a second - he obviously cared about Mike and was kind to him, but he was questioning those reactions himself and was still doing things like stepping away from Mike and telling him not to puke on him etc., and yet he was so considerate, so nice to Mike. This is lovely!


Re: Fill: Porcelain Express (4/4) phreakycat October 12 2011, 03:31:25 UTC
I absolutely loved it. Any possibility of a sequel? Because I'd love to read the afterwards of this and the sexytimes.


Re: Fill: Porcelain Express (4/4) c8h7n3o2 October 12 2011, 15:27:30 UTC
Aww poor vomit!tastic Michael! That's why you avoid eating questionable foods! *shakes finger* did get Harvey cuddle!time so yea...
Great job! Loved it!


Re: Fill: Porcelain Express (4/4) cuppa_char October 12 2011, 21:20:38 UTC
I just love puking!mike fics! We simply need more of this type...


Re: Fill: Porcelain Express (4/4) mrsreynolds13 October 14 2011, 20:35:40 UTC
Mike looks up at him with watery eyes and grins. “If you wanted me to go to bed with you, Harvey, you could have just asked.”

Harvey just glares at Mike because the kid has no idea how close Harvey’s come to actually doing that. “Get some rest, Mike,” he says on a sigh before running a soothing hand through Mike’s hair. “And don’t throw up on these sheets, they cost more than your apartment.” He tries in vain to stifle the smile that grows on his face as Mike closes his eyes and drifts off.

I love this part so much because it sums up everything I love about this fill. I love the pacing and the glimpses of Harvey's vulnerability and the sly humour. And I think Mike would even admit himself that all that discomfort was worth it to wake up next to Harvey...


Re: Fill: Porcelain Express (4/4) flamyshine October 18 2011, 09:51:27 UTC
This was fantastic :D I even love the title! Thank god Harvey's taking good care of Mike :) I really loved how Harvey didn't even look at the file on his lap because he was busy stroking Mike's hair =D


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