Number of Userpics

Mar 20, 2009 13:16

Number of Userpics

Short, concise description of the idea
I feel that the number of userpics a person has should not be limited as they are with those of us who have basic and plus accounts.

Full description of the ideaI have many userpics that I would like to add to my account, but I only have a limit of 15. There should be an unlimited amount ( Read more... )

userpics, upgrade unpaid features, § rejected

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Comments 73

licon March 20 2009, 17:26:22 UTC
If you want more userpics, why not get a Paid account? That's what they're there for.

ETA: so you want something else for free, just because "something else" could be more valuable to you? Either you want them, or you don't. A paid account is not that expensive. Servers, however, are, and giving everyone many more userpics would drastically increase the server load.


azurelunatic March 20 2009, 17:28:54 UTC
I've always heard that userpics don't take up much processor time, but do eat through bandwidth like crazy.


licon March 20 2009, 17:41:56 UTC
You're right, my bad for trying to simplify and generalize at the same time. They do take up space too.


jai_dit March 21 2009, 01:13:43 UTC
Yeah, although generally space is cheap and bandwidth is expensive.


shaebay March 20 2009, 17:28:15 UTC
If getting a paid account is a waste of money to you, then they aren't that important. Livejournal paying to give all basic/plus more userpics is a bigger waste of their money and resources.


charliemc March 20 2009, 17:32:02 UTC

Many of us do pay in order to get more icons (userpics). These do take up bandwidth and aren't free for LiveJournal, so they shouldn't be free for users.

(I have several accounts that are free, so I know it's a pain -- and a person can only afford so much. But if we're talking one account, it's not that expensive to go to paid...)


lassarina March 20 2009, 20:44:02 UTC
This. Exactly.


ayoub March 20 2009, 17:32:02 UTC

If you want more, pay. There has to be some incentive to buy paid time.


charliemc March 20 2009, 17:32:26 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

diziara March 20 2009, 18:23:48 UTC
I was also going to point out the noise being made in the area of à la cart user pics. That plan has a much greater chance of seeing the light of day than the "free unlimited user pics for all!" plan outlined in this suggestion. Even with the way à la cart user pics is starting to sound vaporware-ish, though that could just be my paranoia kicking in.


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