Entry Movement/Transfer

Sep 27, 2010 01:00

Entry Movement/Transfer

Short, concise description of the idea
I think it would be a good idea to be able to move entries from one place(say, a community) to another(either another community or a personal journal).

Full description of the ideaI think that the ability to move an entry to another place would be very useful. For example(and in my ( Read more... )

entries, crossposting, § no status, entry management

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Comments 18

just_chiara November 10 2010, 09:48:57 UTC
I like this in theory, I'm just not sure if it could cause issues with comments. For example: I leave a comment on an entry in a community about dogs, and it is later moved to a community about zoophilia. I may not want my username to ever show up in such a community. this is quite extreme and unlikely to actually happen, but I think it explains the issue.


tarafishes November 10 2010, 17:30:44 UTC
. . .please accept my apologies, since that was kind of very funny. Yes, I see that being a bad idea, but I think that if you were to leave a comment on an entry about dogs that were to be moved to a community about zoophilia, the entry would also need to be about zoophilia, lest it be completely irrelevant to the community's. Although, I see how this is an issue. There could be a way to opt out or delete the comments you made in the entry or make them anonymous or just something marked that it was originally posted in another community(and, of course, specifying that community, since for all we know that community could also be about zoophilia). While your name would, technically, be on the entry still(except in the anonymous case), it would also show that you didn't intend to post it to this particular community, and that the entry had been moved from wherever ( ... )


azurelunatic November 11 2010, 00:29:05 UTC
And if one is looking to delete one's comments for some reason, without deleting one's journal (some random personal reason, or perhaps one's employer wants one to not have a visible web presence), LJ's find-comments-I-have-made is pretty lacking in that department ( ... )


mordyn4 November 10 2010, 17:08:24 UTC
Interesting. But I think moving someone else's comments from one comm or journal to another would be considered a no-no.


tarafishes November 10 2010, 17:21:37 UTC
And why would that be? With the exception of friend-locked or community-locked entries, I see nothing wrong with moving the comments, and can't see it being as useful should the comments not also be transferred over, especially since the reason for transferring the entry elsewhere this way would likely be to keep the comments, since you can't exactly just copy and paste comments places, unlike you could with an entry.

It's not as though you're editing them. We can screen and unscreen delete comments that aren't ours, as long as they're on our entry/in our journal, so I don't see why moving them elsewhere with the entry they were posted to is an issue?


lady_angelina November 10 2010, 17:34:40 UTC
Aside from the social implications raised by the two preceding commenters, I don't think that this is technologically feasible. (Disclaimer: I'm not a dev, so anyone with more knowhow of how entries work on LJ can feel free to refute or correct me.) The way entries work, they are assigned a unique number attached to the journal's userid (the individual number you see on a profile page, rather than the username itself), as are the comments within each entry. The only way I could even see this working at all the way you propose, especially if the entry/comment numbers are to be preserved as is (unless I'm misunderstanding), is if the entries and comments are "moved" to a brand new journal/community. And even if the same entry/comment/thread numbers are used, redirections could pose a developer's nightmare to implement, I would think ( ... )


tarafishes November 10 2010, 18:00:45 UTC
I'm not sure how bad redirections are, since we have them for a lot of old usernames(tara-vonkarma.livejournal.com will redirect you to tarafishes.livejournal.com, for example, and all of my old entries from that account are still present on this one, with comments intact. I assumed it would work something like that. However, if the numbers are connected to the entries and comments, this could be. . .more than troublesome.) But, I'm also not a developer or one to have a complete understanding of this kind of coding, so I don't quite know, hence why one of the drawbacks was the idea of coding this.

The issue is that I want one or more entries off of there, with comments intact, not to continue using the community. If that were the case I would just delete everything from it and start over, not want to move things elsewhere. While being able to reuse the community would be nice, I would more than likely simply get rid of it entirely, once I'd moved the things I wanted off of it. That was simply a hypothetical use for it.


lady_angelina November 10 2010, 18:11:35 UTC
"tara-vonkarma?" You've definitely got my attention! *Points to icon* XD

I do understand that it's annoying to have a single entry stuck on a journal or community you otherwise want to get rid of or use for something else, and perhaps to merge it with another journal or community that's more appropriate for it. I just don't think this is feasible or even really doable, although I'll leave it up to LJ devs/staff to weigh in on this.

Also, if you're not planning to reuse the community, what's wrong with just leaving it as is? That is, if your suggestion weren't ever implemented. I know it's one more community to keep track of, but there's really no harm in letting a formerly active community sit around forever. (In fact, I wish this were more often the case because lots of really good content has been lost to deletion/purging, all because the maintainer thought no one was interested anymore.)


tarafishes November 10 2010, 18:28:29 UTC
XDD I was so into it a while ago. If I hadn't lost the games, I probably still would be. . . .

Well, my friend is the one who made the community, so, really, if I think about it, giving it back to her would be the smartest option, since she could think of something to do with it, or reactivate it again, or give it to someone else, instead of just letting it sit there--I'm not even sure if it'd let me remove it, really(it was a roleplay community, hence why getting rid of it isn't such a big deal to me, and the only ones that payed attention to it were those of us apart of it, and we've all, since, dispersed, although it could still be used again, theoretically. Most of the content was in the personal journals, and it never really went too far. But I understand losing content that way--I've seen at least two communities go like that. Although, the reasons were more lack of credit or being stolen from than lack of interest, I think.)


charliemc November 16 2010, 05:27:17 UTC
I don't know that this is practical, though I admit I find it an appealing suggestion.

I'm frustrated by putting a post in a given community, receiving comments to it ONLY to have a maintainer (moderator) then DELETE said community. It would be cool to be able have something of a 'back up' to that possibility...

But, again, I don't know if it's even possible to do this, not being a programmer...


tarafishes November 16 2010, 05:32:49 UTC
From what others have said it seems that it may not be possible. . .but, really, there should be a back-up for things like entries and comments and memories.

Perhaps this idea would have better been stated as some sort of backup for comments and entries, not just a way to move/copy the entries elsewhere.


charliemc November 16 2010, 05:36:44 UTC
...but, really, there should be a back-up for things like entries and comments and memories.

I totally agree!

Over the years I've been at LiveJournal, I've lost some community posts and comments that make me nuts to think about. (sigh)


akizukikaoru November 17 2010, 20:06:03 UTC
I don't know how related this is, but in learning how to use LJ over the past couple of days and posting virtually the same content to five different communities, I mourned the fact that I couldn't journal-host an entry and have it show up in the communities, meaning the only physical (as it were) copy was in my journal, along with any comments, and the communities only had mirrors. If I change something in my journal-hosted entry, it would automatically update EVERYWHERE ( ... )


featherxquill November 25 2010, 05:04:43 UTC
This idea is amazing. You should make a full post about it so it is more visible :)


akizukikaoru November 29 2010, 20:09:53 UTC
I did! I submitted it on the 17th, I think, but it's not showing up in the entries. Either the mods are enjoying their holidays or it's a repeat suggestion (though I didn't find it when I looked).


boredinsomniac November 30 2010, 00:50:48 UTC
It's still there. I just haven't had the chance to take a look yet, but you'll be notified when I do, one way or the other.


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