Title: The Measure Of A Man
Band: DBSK
Pairings: Yunchun; ChangminxOFC
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sequel to 'The Masked Fencer'.
A/N: There's a lot going on in this chapter. I hope it's not confusing anyone, everything will slow down soon. ^-^
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Comments 20
;-; So do I, but my muses are so fickle.
Thanks for your support! <3
I'm missing the Yunchun. T_T
Update soon! ♥♥
Yoochun's much better now and hopefully there's gonna be a lot of Yunchun soon!
Thanks for your support! <3
Thank you for your amazing update!
Thank you for your review! <3
O.o Jaejoong's introduced! And it sounds like Bomi is his sister?!?! Maybe...possibly? If so...uh oh, Changmin's in trouble...especially now since she's pregnant. (Although him getting beaten up by Bomi was XD totally unexpected, but amusing). And the MinSu moment was very sweet.
I'm so glad to see Yoochun up and about. Is he ready to go into battle though? And Yunho, so many things weighing on him...tell Yoochun, don't tell him. But he'll eventually have to find out. *nervous*
Okay, I'm done with speculating and totally spamming your journal. ^^ You're doing a wonderful job with this! ♥
>_> Maybe she is. ::grumbles:: XD But hey, who says she's really pregnant?
Well, if I told you that I'd spoil the story for you so I won't. <3
I love your reviews, please don't ever stop writing them! <3 Thanks for your support! <3
I guess I'll try and be patient. ^^
Argh, I wanna tell you what happens. XD I have to hold myself back! >__< But I'm writing the new chapter right now and it'll get posted soon! <3
But yay for Yoochun readying himself for battle!
And Jaejoong seems awesome in his own creepy way. :D
I love the Minsu bit in this chapter if I may say so myself. ;_; But alas ... ::goes to write more (sad) Minsu::
Thanks for reading and I'll credit you for that icon of course!
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