Sarah is officially my girlfriend. Now she's trying to find me a boyfriend haha. Nathan is fucking sweet and even though he isn't my bf he treats me better than dooger ever did...and he's alot better in bed
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my life has taken a turn for the better. new job again soon, and a free life.
getting fucked up on e, coke and weed all the time...yea my life is pretty alright at this point in time. plus nathan and sarah adore me, want to take me home and make them their new best friend haha. they wanna do me. and i as well would do those two.
hoser is fucking awesome, I bought a 50 but he gave me a 100 cause of the free shit I give him. it's lasted me two weeks already...i'm not near as bad as I used to be. I actually just do it cause I wanna, not cause I have to now. It's pretty fucking sweet! Self Control owns.
my score last night: free coke, helll yea. an ounce of shrooms. alot of free nugs.
My fry was awesome and mellow. I fell asleep half way through it! Haven't touched the coke yet. And I smoked numerous bowls before I fried, so I wasn't hyper-active like Dooger.
Phoebe is a year old now!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! She's walking, teething, and starting to spit out words. I'm just so...happy for her and everything that's going to be great in her life.
In other news: I HATE wisdom teeth,and I've been getting sick every morning; nausea, headaches, cold and then hot again. whatever.