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Comments 22

grey_spider August 13 2012, 22:11:23 UTC
A:LKJDFSDFDSJPOEIF;akldfjad... this.. this is incredible! The mood is perfect and heartbreaking and...

You really captured the feelings and mindset that the books conveyed: solemn and half-resigned-half-defiant. There's animal-level tenseness and it's wonderful. You're wonderful!


suchaprince August 18 2012, 20:42:55 UTC
Oh thank you so much! I'm so glad you think I captured the mood of the books correctly since I was really worried about it. I just wanted to do them justice, you know? I'm so glad you like the mix! <3


dreamsofkate August 14 2012, 01:38:47 UTC
Just downloaded, can't wait to listen to this. The artwork is amazing!!


suchaprince August 18 2012, 20:44:35 UTC
Thank you! I'm so happy you like the artwork! I hope you like the mix as well once you have te chance to listen. :)


shiroi_yami August 14 2012, 01:51:50 UTC
This looks amazing!! Snagging right now, thank you :)


suchaprince August 18 2012, 20:45:41 UTC
Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy the mix! :D


jazzfic August 14 2012, 09:20:42 UTC
So intrigued by these, I will definitely have to snag all three. So many of these artists are new to me. Thank you for sharing!


suchaprince August 18 2012, 20:47:27 UTC
You're welcome! I really hope you end up liking the musicians who are new to you. :)


quotequeen20 August 14 2012, 22:13:23 UTC
Love it!! :D
Fabulous job on everything!


suchaprince August 18 2012, 20:48:19 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you love the mix! :D


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