Remix '08 is underway!

Apr 20, 2008 00:27

remixredux08 has gone live, oh joyous day. And look what I got!

The Art of Memory (Bold and Lonely Remix)
Doctor Who; G; Susan, Romana, Rose, Jack, Martha
The Doctor's a hard man to forget.

Some excellent soul has taken the first Who thing I wrote, this teensy ficlet, and spun it into a wonderful series of character studies, five beautifully written tributes to five awesome people. I love it to bits!

I can't wait to plunge into the archive properly tomorrow, and I'll be sure to pluck out some of the highlights and spam you all with links. :D

Also, ganked off various people: if you would care to make a guess sometime over the week about which story in there is mine, please do so below! I think it's pretty spottable, myself, and I will celebrate any successful guesses in the shape of ficlets.

fandom: exchanges, recs: doctor who/torchwood

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