why you gotta fuck with the program?

Aug 21, 2011 20:02

A couple of months ago I decided that I was too good for Groupon and unsubscribed. Then I resubscribed, bought a couple more, and now I'm kind of happy with them. I still hate the other ones, though: with their marketing-by-committee names and shitty copy. Groupon tries too hard, but at least it has a pretty hilarious video when you unsubscribe. ( Read more... )


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Comments 11

onthatgonzotip August 23 2011, 06:00:02 UTC
You seriously have a complex about your car. Send me the craigslist doc.


sunnyteeth August 25 2011, 09:13:25 UTC
lmfao, I love you.


You don't know me, but I've read your WIPs. sistermine September 1 2011, 23:26:17 UTC
Can I have the barefaced cheek to nominate a WIP for you to finish?

I loved your kink meme fill in the Eagle: Nothing like a Step Up. Seriously, I never read WIPs if I can help it, but this one sucked me in. I have no real interest in dance (except watching pretty people twirl), but your characters held my attention.

And if you're interested in upping your femslash quota, there's got to be mileage in a feminized version of the Eagle surely? I haven't seen anything like it at all.


o hai, friend! subterrain September 2 2011, 17:15:16 UTC
Blerg, I feel so bad about abandoning that! I don't know what happened, just that I stopped knowing what I was doing or where I was going. Or less that, than just not knowing how to get there. This is why I usually never post WIPs. I am generally sucky at them. I feel endless guilt on that front. :(

And oh my god, feminized Eagle fic is an incredible idea. Marcus (Marca? Ew, Marcia?) the frustrated daughter of a noble house, banished to live in the provinces, and Esca, who would still be a bitter scowling bodyslave. The interesting thing is how they'd have way less agency to go and fix their situations: running off together would be eight thousand times as dangerous and ludicrous/intolerable in the eyes of Uncle Aquila, the Seal People, and everyone they meet ever. How would they be able to rescue the eagle/regain their honour in their own eyes without being allowed out of the house? SO GREAT. You are a genius. GO WRITE IT. :DDD


Re: o hai, friend! sistermine September 2 2011, 17:38:03 UTC
Ha ha. Sorry to load on the guilt! I can imagine how it happens - I've tried to write one or two fills that ended up being bigger and bigger like ripples from a stone in order to make sense, and suddenly your life is about writing fic like knitting a house from spaghetti...

...and this use of metaphor is why I'm not going to take on your reverse challenge, for the sake of readers everywhere. Though I totally agree with your breathlessness about it as a difficult plot challenge. Someone should write it. I'll go tout it elsewhere!!

(But, lovely Esca in his British accent and weird clothes, how can you leave him there? :D)


Re: o hai, friend! subterrain September 3 2011, 03:46:47 UTC
Maybe someone will write the girly versions for the challenge that opened up today. Are you going to do anything?

I have to admit, it's the 24 hour donut shop that holds the most appeal to me. I am such a sucker for modern AUs.


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