22 minutes to Earth Hour, much better-looking than full-scale apocalypse

Mar 28, 2009 20:05

Today while we were on our way into the fifth stop on the local Artist Home & Studio Tour that delighter used her artistic connexxxions to get us in on, an angelic child stopped us.

Parentless, jacketless, blue-eyed and floppy-haired, this pre-pubescent kid chided gently: "Don't forget it's Earth Hour tonight at 8:30 ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

desfinado March 29 2009, 04:37:50 UTC
That is totally whack about the coal and the MB.

I heard that last year Calgary was the city in Canada that used the MOST energy during earth hour (even more than the biggest 3 cities), so apparently there was a more gung-ho campaign this year! Here in TO it didn't look very dark at all, boo....


subterrain March 29 2009, 13:23:34 UTC
Inorite? WHAT DO YOU MEAN, THE INTERNET IS NOT FREE. My digital utopia, taken down one more notch.

Yeah, I heard that, too. Ugh. It feels like once a day, every day, I have to sigh and say, "Fucking Calgary." Yesterday it was the city charging an additional parking fee to DISCOURAGE public transit use, the day before that it was the government's new "Alberta: Freedom to Create, Spirit to Achieve" campaign that cost 25 million to come up with to fight the ~~vicious lies~ those dang hippie environmentalists (read: National Geographic) keep spreading about our beautiful oil sands.


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subterrain March 29 2009, 15:07:24 UTC
I think he was using coal as an in-hand example of the energy it takes as a whole, be it hydro or nuclear or whatever else is powering my wireless router and Shaw's cables and the server farms in Mountain View and Mininova's hardware and whatever else is in between me and the next episode of 30 Rock. Probably I should sign up for that Bullfrog Energy business to assuage my guilt.

& I don't know about Ontario. I'd never want to live there, but people from TO didn't get half the mockery that I did in Halifax. Alberta is maligned the country over, these days. Even Peter Lougheed thinks we need to straighten out. He's like a disappointed father, squelching my heart in its ribcage.


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subterrain March 29 2009, 15:26:39 UTC
Ugh, those fucking conservative crazies:

We will ensure that citizen's reasonable needs are looked after, but we also believe in the tenet that “You cannot do more for a man than he can do for himself” [ Abe Lincoln, 1865 ]. We believe that the traditional family is the cornerstone and substantive foundation upon which a healthy society is built and our policies will reflect these features.


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