22 minutes to Earth Hour, much better-looking than full-scale apocalypse

Mar 28, 2009 20:05

Today while we were on our way into the fifth stop on the local Artist Home & Studio Tour that delighter used her artistic connexxxions to get us in on, an angelic child stopped us.

Parentless, jacketless, blue-eyed and floppy-haired, this pre-pubescent kid chided gently: "Don't forget it's Earth Hour tonight at 8:30."

Don't worry, conscientious boy! I won't, thanks to you! I'm going to light some candles, pre-air-pop some corn kernels with some pre-melted butter and some pre-sprinkled nutritional yeast, and read some text in an ancient format.

It's gonna be sweet, in a then-I'll-turn-my-lights-back-on-and-brag-about-it-later kind of way. This is Alberta, after all.

PS. did you know that the energy associated with moving each MB of data around online is on par with burning a lump of coal? So says this dude, anywayz, in with his babble about models and libraries and other sundry:


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