Money and writing and editing, oh my!

Oct 16, 2012 14:48

On January 2, I see a specialist at the University of Iowa regarding my Ehlers-Danlos and specifically focusing on my hips and left shoulder, which are all kinds of screwed up. This will be our second trip there, and it necessitates an overnight stay at a motel and a round-trip by Greyhound. That totals Not Cheap, especially considering we're very ( Read more... )

sticky, ehlers-danlos hypermobility var, halp, fundraisers, public post

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Comments 3

moyakite October 23 2012, 03:49:32 UTC
I'd comment on Dreamwidth if I had an account there, sorry ( ... )


subluxate October 23 2012, 04:54:06 UTC
Hi there!

I'd charge $10-12 for something like that. If this turns into an ongoing thing, we'll negotiate future rates for things like your novels. I'll do a thorough edit for you for sure. Right now, I have to edit something that's about 10k for someone else (and then one of my own), so I'd be able to get your editing done in a week or so? As fast as I can while still being thorough, though.

You can email me at I'll give you my Paypal address after I finish editing.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to working with you.


moyakite October 23 2012, 14:40:57 UTC

That sounds reasonable, certainly. I just sent you an email with .doc attachments. If you'd prefer another format, please let me know. (Any text inside /s is meant to be italicized; I convert to plain text in order to convert them to ebooks, which is why I need that particular symbol. Calibre automatically converts /-ed text to italics.)

A week or so sounds perfect. I'm looking forward to working with you, too!


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