Money and writing and editing, oh my!

Oct 16, 2012 14:48

On January 2, I see a specialist at the University of Iowa regarding my Ehlers-Danlos and specifically focusing on my hips and left shoulder, which are all kinds of screwed up. This will be our second trip there, and it necessitates an overnight stay at a motel and a round-trip by Greyhound. That totals Not Cheap, especially considering we're very, very poor. (We only managed the last trip by asking my parents for help.) It's doable, but it will be really tight the next two and a half months, especially since we leave January 1 for Iowa City and return on January 2, and my SSDI comes in on January 3.

This, of course, comes after Christmas expenses. We need to send presents to my family and finish buying stuff; there are two Secret Santa recipients and my grandparents to buy for. On Geena's side, we need to get things for two of her sisters. She can at least take those to her family, though.

Hence this post! Fundraising post that will be open for... well, ever. We don't currently have physical objects to sell, and neither one of us can make art, but we can do two things very well: write and edit.

We're selling drabbles, $1 per 100 words. It can be original fiction or fanfic. Let me know the fandom, and Geena and I will let you know if one of us knows it. It will be sent to you (and/or posted, depending on your wants) within three days. Longer fics are negotiable. Any content is acceptable, other than gore and non-con. Give me a prompt and character or pairing (or more!), and I can almost certainly do it.

I'm also offering editing. It can be anything from spelling, punctuation, and grammar to a thorough edit that includes those things as well as constructive criticism, noting anything that doesn't flow or fit, and so forth. Because what I'll do is so varied, this is negotiable based both on what you want and length. (I will edit that novel you have sitting on your hard drive, if you'd like.) The time it will take me to get back to you will vary by length. Again, any content is good with me, besides gore and non-con.

Additionally, if anyone knows any really cheap motels or cab companies in Iowa City (we stayed at the Coralville Days Inn last time and used a cab company we can't remember), please do let us know. As long as it's nonsmoking, we'll take it.

This is not an emergency! No need to post it anywhere unless you really want to. I am asking
copperbadge to post it on Monday with his Radio Free Monday post; other than that, I'm not looking to spread it until, say, early December (by which time I'll have a new post), if we're in dire need of funds. We have two and a half months to raise the money. I don't want to stress about it until I really need to. But I would like to sell what I can before then, if anyone is interested.

This entry was originally posted at
comments at Dreamwidth. I prefer you comment there whenever possible.

sticky, ehlers-danlos hypermobility var, halp, fundraisers, public post

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