
Sep 28, 2011 13:48

Thanks to you wonderful people, not only have I paid my Medicare premium, I've also paid a few medical bills from the summer from when I didn't have Medicaid, set up payment plans that I'll be able to make on two others, and will hopefully be able to send a chunk of money to the lovely person who loaned me our June rent. (This relies on a few ( Read more... )

cats!, meds, doctor fun, dhs, medical hell, ssd/ssi, medicare/medicaid, finances, social security

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Comments 8

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subluxate September 28 2011, 19:07:24 UTC
SO much of that is thanks to you. Thank you again for setting the auction up; it helped us greatly this month, with the sick kitty and everything else, like buying checks so we could pay rent.


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subluxate September 28 2011, 19:17:34 UTC
We're really doing a LOT better now. It'll, of course, be even better if my Social Security gets straightened out (my big fear right now is that they'll somehow decide I'm not disabled, since it's the psychiatric exam only and I present as pretty stable a lot of the time, unless I'm desperately manic or extremely anxious), because then it'll be steady income and we'll consistently be able to pay rent and bills and even have a couple of extravagances.

I just don't know what we'll do if it's decided that I'm not disabled. =/


ragnarok_08 September 28 2011, 21:18:30 UTC
Phew - I'm glad that's worked out :)

*hugs again*


bookblather September 29 2011, 00:11:06 UTC
That's fantastic! I'm so glad I could help you in my own small way. <3


cyyt September 29 2011, 00:33:33 UTC
Sounds like things are looking up! :D


honeystix September 29 2011, 06:05:49 UTC
*dance party* Your new team sounds like it is on the ball! Hopefully they'll have be able to get things fully sorted out within a week or two of receiving your updated paperwork and you'll finally be able to breathe easier. It makes me happy that things are starting to turn around for you on this front. <3


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