(no subject)

Sep 28, 2011 13:48

Thanks to you wonderful people, not only have I paid my Medicare premium, I've also paid a few medical bills from the summer from when I didn't have Medicaid, set up payment plans that I'll be able to make on two others, and will hopefully be able to send a chunk of money to the lovely person who loaned me our June rent. (This relies on a few things, but I plan to send them at least $300 early next month.) I'll hopefully be able to start paying my parents and sister back soon, too.

I don't know if we owe money on the power bill or not (I'm asking Geena once she gets home), but if we do, that can be paid off.

We also have money for next month's rent, minor repairs to both computers, vet visits for the girlcats (they need rabies shots, desperately), my medication copays, and any copays I may have for any tests my neurologist, who I see tomorrow, may order. (I have Expectations on this one that include an MRI and nerve conductivity testing.)

I now have the money to request a referral to an orthopedic surgeon to check out my ankle; I'm fairly certain it's going to require surgery, and I'll be able to make payments on that, should I need to do so. I can even get my wrist checked out by one.

I can ask to see a rheumatologist, as well.

I've also been able to see a chiropractor on a regular basis, which has gone a long way toward helping my migraines. (Unfortunately, she hasn't been able to do much for my left shoulder, though I expected that.)

I received paperwork from DHS and Social Security this week; it's going to go back out very soon. (It's either in envelopes or mostly in one.) This paperwork is for Medicaid, my medical review (I now have an appointment to see a doctor for a psychiatric evaluation for the medical review), and to continue getting lower copays on medication. The medical/psychiatric review (which seems silly, frankly, as Bipolar I with psychotic features does not vanish) is on October 17, and I will update you guys on how that seems to go.

I am, according to another Social Security letter, going to receive $582 in back pay, and there may be more after that. My caseworker also said she'd push through a critical payment at the beginning of the month if regular payments are not reinstated. Should I get both of those, then combined with your donations and signal-boosting, I can pay back my June benefactor and my sister very soon.

Thank you again, for everything; you've all been wonderful, and I'll continue letting you know how things go.

cats!, meds, doctor fun, dhs, medical hell, ssd/ssi, medicare/medicaid, finances, social security

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