MST part 2

May 19, 2005 15:23

The second part of Megan Faye's god-awful fic "Who Woulda Thought"... (Part one can be found here.

Do you want to be amused? )

mf, mst, public post, bad!fic

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Comments 14

hawkeyesmartini May 19 2005, 23:24:54 UTC


teapot_yo May 20 2005, 00:01:01 UTC
wtf this is the worst fic everrrrrrr


i need more advil to continue this.


subluxate May 21 2005, 00:38:47 UTC
Haha, but are you enjoying it?


hotspur18 May 20 2005, 07:57:44 UTC
I. Am. Going. To. Die...*gives up and slides under desk howling with laughter*. Oh dear. I do love Charles's comments in these two parts - the perfect Winchester voice!

Thanks so much for this - silly grins make my day.


subluxate May 21 2005, 00:41:11 UTC
Yay for making people laugh. I'm glad you think we're in character for Charles. It was most fun to do, and getting people's reactions is making it even more pleasurable.


(The comment has been removed)

subluxate July 17 2005, 00:06:01 UTC
I'd be very, very impressed if anyone learned to type with their toes. Then again, as Megan Faye is clearly not a normal person, I would not be surprised if she did it.

Glad you enjoyed =)


the_suitcase July 18 2005, 14:31:00 UTC
Yikes, I think I fell into a time-warp and didn't notice it...I didn't realize this was a couple months old. What happened? Where am I? Did I delete my other comment?


subluxate July 18 2005, 17:11:39 UTC
Older comments are fine. If you enjoyed it, I'm pleased.

I didn't have you on my flist when you read those, but they're public, so they're two of the three entries that show up on my journal to non-flisted people.


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