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Re: gifs or it didnt' happen. styromgalleries March 19 2010, 06:11:25 UTC

Kind of. And I feel so bad. Like, I know everyone else is going to or already does love this book...and I just don't.

I think this .gif sums up my life from getting the book to finishing it. (mostly I've just reeeeeaaaallly wanted to use it for you)

... )


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styromgalleries March 19 2010, 06:12:27 UTC
Look! Look! It's cool. ^

I also love how you're making all these ridiculous puns with the word gif. lol


styromgalleries March 19 2010, 06:13:01 UTC
Did you delete it?!


Sorry for the longnessness drashizu March 19 2010, 07:16:15 UTC
Okay, so I don't agree with everything you said, but I respect it.

Some stuff I did agree with:

- Although I didn't feel as strongly about it as you did, I felt like the Eddis/Sophos thing just wasn't going for me, either. It's not worked up enough. They agree to marry each other via letter...? Realistic, maybe, for the time period, but NOT romantic. But I understand why realism might be more important than stretching credibility. How could MWT have worked things out any differently? He's been in another country the whole time, and whether or not she loves him, Eddis has to marry someone. (They did have that cute story scene, though. Goats!)

- THE ATTOLIAS. I laughed so hard when I read that the first time. Like "Meet the Robinsons" and all that. "Keeping up with the Jonses". Haha ( ... )


One more thing! drashizu March 19 2010, 07:42:03 UTC
What you said about breaking canon from the second book.

It seems to be a contradiction: in The Queen of Attolia, Gen tells Attolia after getting out of the boat that he loved her when he stole Hamiathes's Gift, although he didn't understand it for what it was. In A Conspiracy of Kings, Sophos asks him if he loved her when he stole Hamiathes's Gift and he says No and makes a big deal about the fact that what he wrote for Eddis was what he really thought at the time.

I think the focus is more on validating the first book than on contradicting the second, because without the line from ACoK, QoA itself appears to contradict TT. I also think it was about expanding on Gen's history with Dite. But what I assumed when reading it, and what I still think is a valid interpretation, is that what Gen says to Sophos is essentially the same as what he said to Attolia at the base of the cliffs: that he did love her, in the sense of fascination, and had been fascinated since seeing her dance under those orange trees. But he didn't know it yet. He ( ... )


Re: One more thing! philia_fan March 19 2010, 10:33:22 UTC
What you said. Fascination, love, but not comprehension. Also, I too was bothered by the "Oh, Gen lets Attolia rule, and it's a good thing" comment, but I figure it MUST be Gen not telling Eddis everything that's going on.

Justine Larbalestier said she thought CoK was the weakest of the four books, but that Megan was so awesome that that still made it better than 99% of books out there. I kind of agreed with that. I missed the minimalist brilliance of QoA and KoA. At the same time, I totally understood why she went a different route with this one. I may also find that I change my opinion once I have a copy I can reread instead of a borrowed ARC I have to return in a week!


Re: One more thing! drashizu March 19 2010, 17:33:05 UTC
Yes, I would definitely not say that this one was anywhere near as good as QoA. KoA was more complicated, but still felt very cohesive to me. CoK kind of felt like a mixture between TT and KoA, and while it was still very good, there were things that made those other books just awesome that it was somehow missing.

But now that we have such a wide spectrum of story types in this series, it's making me wonder just what will we get for the fifth one? What genre will it be? What narrative tricks will she use? Which characters will feature prominently, and which ones will just be cameos while they wait to become relevant?

Will Relius and the Erondites clan be back, as she hinted, with her subtle reminders of their characters in CoK, that they might be? How about Costis? The fact that CoK wasn't as brilliant as its predecessors is in no way diminishing my desire to KNOW WHAT COMES NEXT.


emerald_happy March 19 2010, 18:55:28 UTC


emerald_happy March 19 2010, 19:07:40 UTC
Also because of this (http://community.livejournal.com/sounis/111054.html) it is quite possible I'm going to get struck down by lightening.

(I note your lj background is mauvish pinky russet. The gods are laughing.)


styromgalleries March 19 2010, 21:41:56 UTC

I can see why MWT always says you guys are crazy.

Speaking of colours, did you notice that one point when Sophos screams out I AM SOUNIS!!! and mentions the Sounisian colours under his breastplate, but then didn't.tell.us.what.the.colors.are?!?!?! MWT is such a tease! I want to know what the Sounisian colours are, darnit!


emerald_happy March 19 2010, 21:46:14 UTC
Yes! In summer I will write a more tactful letter that goes like this:

Dear Megan,

If you'd like a Sophos doll as Sounis please tell her what sounis' colours are.


Em :-)


freenarnian March 19 2010, 19:16:34 UTC
This reminds me of my reaction to QoA, when I read it the first time (all those lifetimes ago). I was very unsettled at first, but after growing more familiar with the series, I've come to EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED, so to speak, from MWT. And to love her for it, even. I definitely recommend a re-read, especially when the final version is out on store shelves.

I was a bit apprehensive about the Eddis/Sophos relationship. Up until CoK I just couldn't get a proper feel for it. But MWT convinced me, even as she convinced me of Gen/Attolia before.

Anyways, thanks for sharing your thoughts! Weirdly enough I can understand them while still loving this book.

Oh, and - "Ten men and a penknife". Lol!! Loved this. I can so relate to Sophos sometimes.


emerald_happy March 19 2010, 19:24:58 UTC
Mine too! I'm going to reread the pages out of it and see what happens.

Also I recognise Sophos' whiny moments in myself and I wonder if that's why I dislike them.


styromgalleries March 19 2010, 20:51:54 UTC
Also I recognise Sophos' whiny moments in myself and I wonder if that's why I dislike them.
I wondered the same, actually. I'm more of an idealist, sit at home and sulk kind of a person like him, and sometimes I don't necessarily like that about myself, so that could be it.


emerald_happy March 19 2010, 21:08:31 UTC
Thing is I was like that and now I've been forced to grow up I can deal with stuff much better. I just don't necessarily like it. Also like Gen I feel better once I've complained about doing something. It doesn't mean I won't do it though.


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