Secret Video Diary of a Billionaire (1/?)

Oct 29, 2010 12:57

title: Secret Video Diary of a Billionaire (1/?)
fandom: The Social Network
pairing: Mark/Eduardo
word count: 3149
rating: PG-13
warnings: British spelling with Mid-Atlantic punctuation (though I was considerate enough to use 'elevator'), bad characterisation, guys this is a screenplay, less intentional lulz than the title implies, misogynistic ( Read more... )

the facebook movie, fanfiction, this is a disgrace

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this is bad but here you go marycontraire October 31 2010, 18:58:01 UTC
Dustin and Chris have a bet going on how long it will take Mark to notice. Chris says ten minutes. It doesn't take Mark long to notice things on the internet. (In fact, Dustin is pretty sure he is responsible for that news video of Antoine Dodgson going viral ( ... )


Re: this is bad but here you go sturmundwank October 31 2010, 19:13:34 UTC
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, THEY'RE SO SO EVIL (yet not nearly evil enough :D )

is face goes from pale to purple in a matter of seconds, and then he is charging through the doors and straight at Dustin like a skinny, curly-haired rhinoceros

:D :D Of course he is. I can picture it so clearly, the unattractive purple blotches and the serial-killer eyes.

Dustin considers drawing out the exchange, but Mark's hand is shaking a little, and maybe he's had enough for one day.

lol, why so serious, Mark?

"Because you have no other friends since you screwed your soulmate out of the company?"

Mark storms off back to his reevaluate his life and possibly contact Eduardo, we hope ( ... )


Re: this is bad but here you go marycontraire October 31 2010, 19:16:40 UTC
Dude, I do a lot in comments. I generally try to keep it off of other people's actual fic posts, though. ::chagrin:: And IDEK what it is with me and Dustin, he takes over everything I write even though he was barely in the film.


Re: this is bad but here you go sturmundwank October 31 2010, 19:26:18 UTC
Don't worry, I don't mind at all! In fact, usually when I finish reading a fic and move on to the comments, I secretly hope that there's some comment!fic in there because I'm not ready to stop reading fic yet. Um, if that makes sense? It probably doesn't. ANYWAY.

Dustin was awesome in the few scenes he was in. He fully deserves your attention. Also, light-hearted fic generally needs light-hearted characters (not always, but they help), and between Mark's existential bitterness and Eduardo's resentment, this fandom is a bit short on light-heartedness.

(I feel like I kind of overused the word 'fic' in my last two comments, but whatevs, people are free to laugh at my vocabulary.)


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