don't know how you do it (standalone)

Mar 15, 2012 23:21

pairing/characters: yongguk/himchan, the snarky youngjae
rating: G NC-17

author notes: 2, 311 words.
this is some kind of prologue for games people play , as chateaucartoon brilliantly planted the idea to my brain.

yongguk likes to believe that it wasn’t love at first sight. but maybe it was, because there really wasn’t any boy who could steal his attention away in just one glance like himchan did.

he likes girls. still, sometimes. but now.

well, now, there’s only one particular kim himchan in his mind; and slowly going down―although faster than he’d like―to hold a special spot inside his heart.

himchan talks and talks and talks, he cracks wry jokes and knows his ways to charm giggling noonas. yongguk remembers once, there was a cameraman checking out himchan from head to toe and himchan was being nonchalant about it; he gave the man a grin as he ran to the ‘shy boy’ mv filming set.

yongguk never really asks about which sides himchan is playing, but, if he never tries he never knows, right?


so yongguk tries.

it begins with him opening the doors. at first himchan’s reaction is under the ‘lol, yongguk-ah you’re so sweet i bet you will stop doing this for me tomorrow’―to ‘awww, you’re still being my gentleman’―and finally he comes to the phase of ‘i don’t know what you’re up to but i think i have a rough vision about it and i’ll just let you carry on and see what’s going to happen’.

yongguk raises one eyebrow when himchan gives him that kind of reaction. but himchan doesn’t say a word and so yongguk keeps on being himchan’s gentleman.

then he starts paying when they go out.

and laughs the loudest at himchan’s attempts to be hilarious.

and develops a habit to hug himchan from behind (because himchan told him that he used to do it a lot to the girls he liked).

his efforts are paid when he notes there are pink-ish colors on himchan’s cheeks. but bang yongguk is a patient man, so he waits a little bit longer before he confesses.


the day all of them get platinum blonde hairs, yongguk thinks himchan looks so, so, so fucking ethereal and he literally can’t take his eyes off of his bandmate.

youngjae that snarky brat takes a photo proof complete with how dazed yongguk’s expression is. the photo even has the angle that shows how focused yongguk is towards himchan’s far away profile.

“don’t upload it, don’t show it to him, or you’re a dead rat yoo youngjae,” yongguk goes with his last option; threatening the main vocalist. hopefully his baritone voice will scare youngjae, but of course youngje doesn’t get his brain nickname for nothing.

“shut up hyung, i’m not stupid,” youngjae smirks, “i’ll save this for later purpose. now i’ll just leave you alone miserably in love with our pabo visual.” he looks thoughtful as yongguk growls a weak protest. “but alright i have to admit. blonde really suits himchan-hyung. he looks so unapproachable. mysterious and beautiful. too bad his mouth is his biggest flaw.”

yongguk gives youngjae’s head a good smack.


as B.A.P. performs on their debut MusiCore stage, one superficial thing crosses yongguk’s fully concentrated mind.

god, himchan does have a manly voice,



it would be perfect if only himchan has unmanly voice to polish off his beauty. well, yongguk is absolutely clueless about ‘unmanly voice’ but still. still!

god, why?

he messes up his dance later and punches the bathroom wall for doing so. his knuckles are bandaged for their inkigayo performance.

from the sideline, himchan is studying him.


they’ve been watching―learning, really―idols on national television making people laugh, when suddenly himchan says, “but you don’t know how i sound in bed, yongguk-ah.”

yongguk chokes on his tropicana sparkling. his eyes watered and his chest feels full.

they’re wrapping up their warrior and secret love promotion, and given a free week to lazing around before they have to go back to dance practice routine. the two are left in the dorm as the rest of the members are going to school.

yongguk frowns at himchan, who acts normal next to him, sipping his own can of orange flavored soda calmly.

“what?” yongguk brilliantly asks.

himchan pouts, shrugging. “want to find out?” he sets the can to the floor and just fucking crawls onto yongguk’s lap like a hungry kitten and throws his legs on both sides of yongguk’s waist.

yongguk stays frozen, blinking rapidly.

himchan is staring; his beautiful face is so closesocloseholyshit and himchan removes yongguk’s can from his tense hand as he leans to bites on yongguk’s bottom lip.

yongguk groans helplessly.

“you said something?” himchan’s breath smells like orange and yongguk inhales deeply and he’s pretty sure he’s going crazy if he doesn’t kiss those inviting lips anytime soon.

“then go ahead and kiss me, you idiot gorilla,” himchan gives yongguk’s bottom lip another lick, smiling coyly, “what are you waiting for?”


himchan whines sharply when yongguk accidentally forces his two fingers further against the tight, velvety walls. it’s so overwhelming, the feeling of having his digits inside of himchan; and yongguk’s favorite sweats are getting tighter somehow. he can’t wait to become one with himchan but it seems like himchan is having a hard time adjusting with...this preparation procedure.

he pours more lube right into himchan’s tight hole and himchan shudders at the coldness of the gel. it helps yongguk wetting his fingers, and so they can slide in easier this time. yongguk reaches with his left hand to unveil himchan’s flushed face from the other boy’s trembling arms. himchan blinks, gets even redder, and hides his face to the pillow.

yongguk chuckles as he kisses the sweat on the hollow of himchan’s neck. himchan smells good, like the butter his umma uses for making cookies and fresh like peppermint. yongguk strokes himchan’s sweaty hair as a distraction as his fingers plunges deeper.

himchan gasps; eyes fluttering shut when the tip of yongguk’s middle finger brushes a solid bundle down there. curious, yongguk aims for the same spot again and this time himchan’s nails fly to plant themselves on yongguk’s bare arms; his legs jerking.

“f-feels good?” yongguk clears his throat.

himchan gasps violently but he manages to answer, “y-yeah, but stop it or i will c-come yongguk-ah. i don’t want to come yet please please stop it.”

yongguk awkwardly nods and pulls his fingers out. and then he just kneels there, watching himchan’s nakedness lies before him; the shivering pale body, the twitching and erect nipples, the angry purple of himchan’s cock―

“you look amazing, himchannie, i―” yongguk swallows, pausing more awkwardly as himchan beckons him to move closer.

“do you need anything?” yongguk asks in concern, it must be hurt, right?

himchan nods, tugging at yongguk’s nape and guiding him to settle in between his spread legs. he says, no, whispers so softly that any trace of his manly voice is gone,

“i need you to fuck me, bang yongguk, now, because when i said i didn’t want to come i meant i want to come together with you.” himchan gives him a playful smile, “y know what i’m sayin?”

he says it with his engrish and still doesn’t sound manly at all and yongguk kisses him abruptly that their teeth clank―and himchan giggles as his hands slipping lower to untie yongguk’s sweats. he hums appreciatively when his palm squeezes yongguk’s cock and yongguk is feeling smug.

yongguk breaks the kiss, smirking, “sure you can handle my not so little brother?”

himchan rolls his eyes, but the flushes are spreading to his ears so yongguk just kisses him some more before he pours lots of lube to his cock.

he lifts himchan’s hairless legs off the mattress just enough for him to guide his cock into the throbbing hole. himchan is biting his knuckles as he welcomes yongguk inside his body and his upper body arches so gracefully when yongguk is finally settling in to the hilt.

yongguk can’t breathe himself; he can’t believe that he’s joined with himchan for real and when he slowly bringing himchan’s legs down he grunts almost painfully, because himchan clenches and it feels so fucking good he might come sooner than he’d pride himself for his twenty one years of life.



and then at himchan’s cue to move, yongguk senses fireworks are bursting at the back of his eyelids; himchan is fucking mewling and he’s pretty sure he won’t last for five fucking minutes.

“him-himchannie,” he drops to his elbows, himchan’s sweaty thighs on top of his equally sweaty ones and he has to bite his bottom lip hard or else he will thrust mercilessly and hurt himchan even more.

he tries to pulls his cock out then in again with a hesitated move and again himchan plants his nails on his skin. it stings, but he’ll survive. but his cock is screaming at him to make a proper move and so yongguk asks with hoarser voice than ever,

“c-can i?”

himchan takes fifteen frantic heartbeats to answer,


yongguk sighs as he raises his body and grabs himchan’s slim hips on both hands; making eye contact as he carefully pulling out and pushing in a moment later. himchan gasps sexily, losing the battle and closing his eyes. he throws one arm above his face again, biting his own bottom lip as yongguk makes the first experimental thrust. himchan’s free hand is gripping the bedsheet, and yongguk closes his eyes too; baring his neck to the ceiling as he tries to find the perfect rhythm of his thrusts.

himchan lets out the sexiest sex voice ever, yongguk has noticed. himchan gasps sharply at first when yongguk is still trying to find his rhythm. but then his sharps gasps turn into approving moans when yongguk finally finds the perfect rhythm and in the end he opens his eyes and reaches out for yongguk.

their lips meet and yongguk’s hands travel to map every contour of himchan’s archingtwitchingshuddering body. himchan wraps his arms around yongguk’s neck and his kisses are fast-paced, just like how he urges yongguk to thrust,

“f-faster, yongguk-ah, you’re so big.”

yongguk snorts at the impromptu compliment but complies anyway, breaking the heated kiss again to press his forehead against himchan’s and begins to thrust more confidently now that he believes himchan is not hurting anymore.

yongguk soon finds out that he’s drowning on the sound of his navel slapping on himchan’s ass; the wet squelching noise from somewhere down there and how with every thrusts himchan sounds exactly like those female japanese porn stars; almost shy yet demanding but also sweet and addictive.


“ah, yongguk, yongguk, yongguk,” himchan suddenly clenches and his walls contracting fiercely that yongguk’s rhythm falters. himchan doesn’t seem to notice it for his glazed eyes are too unfocused. he sniffs, “yongguk-ah? why do you stop? that―that feels so good, please yongguk-ah.”

yongguk closes his eyes and presses his face to himchan’s neck, rolling his hips in a circle before thrusting back in. himchan is back to his female japanese porn star persona, but he doesn’t sound too satisfied like before.

yongguk then sits back on his knees and takes the back of himchan’s knees up so that he can spread those legs even wider. he hopes he will reach the same spot with this new position, and he asks himchan if it’s okay to move with an arch of eyebrow.

himchan just throws his head back to the mattress as his hips pushes down, and yongguk instantly thrusts wildly without really pulling out; the new angle is tiring but his cock can dive even deeper. himchan’s ass is up about a couple of centimeters from the mattress, he’s practically folded into half right now. he cries out yongguk’s name sinfully when yongguk changes his angle a little bit to the left, and yongguk is determined to pleasure himchan using the leverage.

“ngghaaah, yongguk, faster faster oh god yongguk―” himchan mewls. “please please please―! AH!”

alright, then, so kim himchan doesn’t sound manly at all in bed.


unfortunately, another problem arises.

yongguk can never get enough of himchan’s unmanly sex voice from then on. all he wants is hearing himchan speaking in regular basis with his female japanese porn star persona; almost shy yet demanding but also sweet and addictive.

but he can’t have that. because it will make him a weirdo. shit.

the only cure is to have sex as much as possible with himchan until he grows accustomed to himchan’s super sexy sex voice just so he can safely pass a day without obsessing over himchan’s mouth―because that’s where his voice is coming out, alright, bang yongguk is not a weirdo for staring at his official boyfriend’s mouth all day long 24/7.


but, really, the serious problem is this;

youngjae has a neat folder on his precious iphone that he named bang’s blackmail yo which is full with 79 candid photos of yongguk drooling/staring/daydreaming/lusting over himchan’s mouth.

(youngjae tried, he really did. but he doesn’t get it. what’s so sensational about himchan-hyung’s thin lips, really? aren’t thick lips better?

oh, well! daehyunnie loves his thick lips, so it doesn’t matter. yongguk-hyung is a weirdo anyway.)

t h e e n d

#master-to the-list, #kpop slash

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