games people play (standalone)

Mar 08, 2012 19:29

pairing/characters: yongguk/himchan, their dongsaengs
rating: PG-13

summary: yongguk doesn't get it why himchan always sulks whenever he has to act lovey dovey with song jieun from secret.
enter youngjae with his brilliant brain and you have a super fluff fic.

author notes: 1, 512 words for the rudest/trollest dongsaeng walkonpluto bow to your elf oppa here dammit. i'm fast.
for other readers; please enjoy *breakdance politely*

quite the opposite of fangirls’ wishes; yongguk isn’t really close with jieun-sunbaenim at all.

there. even he calls her with honorific in his head. of course, it is only ts’s strategy to promote him as the leader of B.A.P.; and yongguk is never one to fail people’s expectations (especially them with the money and all).

the fangirls are easy to persuade to have as much theories as possible about yongguk/jieun ‘couple’ with body languages, music videos, and off stage interactions. they totally buy it (capture it with their overpriced cameras), and nobody is complaining.


except, sometimes, himchan sulks about it.

when he does, he ignores yongguk for the rest of the day and annoys the hell out of jongup; that poor little puppy. usually jongup is made to give him a massage, to listen to everything he says, and to help him prepare dinner. jongup, being the obedient dongsaeng, doesn’t complain. but the pleading look he throws at yongguk is enough for the world to know that he’s not supposed to be involved within secret lovers’ daily quarrel.

“how long will you have to act friendly with jieun-noona?” it’s ‘friendly’ on jongup and junhong’s dictionary; because they’re naive like that. in fact, the other B.A.P. members never say the obvious in front of the two maknaes; or else jongup will feel betrayed and junhong might flee from the group (no shit, the boy wears his heart out on his sleeve).

“ah,” yongguk cranes his neck to look over his shoulder, at himchan who is sulking next to junhong with the ‘awful math homework’. yongguk pats jongup’s head and smiles/grimaces then apologizes,

“was i too much?”

jongup pauses. he’s not youngjae with the quick response plus unnecessary wit. jongup is more considerate; apparently, he’s got a certified mouth filter. he’s slowly climbing to be yongguk’s number one favorite dongsaeng, but don’t tell junhong that.

“i think...your acting was...” jongup trails off. “was...kinda convincing? ummm, you stood closer than ever to jieun-noona, and you stared at her face when she talked.”

well, okay.

“i can’t help it, jongup-ah. you know our fans love it when i’m being friendly with jieun-sshi.” yongguk crosses his arms. jongup looks sad. “what should i do though? your hyung is an adult. he knew that it was only acting!”

jongup’s face turns from sad to apologetic. he doesn’t know what to do.

“you can always ignore him back.” youngjae whispers with a conspiracy-ish tone.

“what?” yongguk sits up straighter.

“what? you’re spoiling him, hyung. come on, you can’t always just shower him with presents everytime he sulks about your crappy acting with jieun-noona.” the last sentence is muttered almost inaudibly, but yongguk is too desperate to mention about the hidden insult. yoo youngjae can die at some other time; now, he needs the brain of the group to voice out his wisdom.

“sooooo when he sulks next time, i’ll just ignore him and then?” dammit, even he manages to make himself look dumber.

youngjae rolls his eyes.

“yongguk-hyung have you seen how your boyf―” the two older hyungs instantly glance at clueless jongup, before youngjae flicks his hair and continues, “how himchan-hyung is around you? huh? he’s the second clingiest after junhong! now what happen when you ignore junhongie that one time he didn’t do his homework because of our schedule? remember that you were so disappointed you ignored junhongie for three hours, until he cried?”

oh yeah, that. it was a mess. junhong with snot and red eyes and wet cheeks are a deadly weapon even for the manliest bang yongguk.


“you sure it will work with himchan?” he can’t help but to doubt himself, because kim himchan is bang yongguk’s kryptonite. like, seriously. B.A.P.’s leader is currently head over heels for the visual of the group; and the said human acknowledges the embarrassing fact and uses it as a blackmail. or, more like as a boomerang because yongguk also gets jealous easily.

“you will never know if you don’t give it a try,” youngjae shrugs, turning on the tv.

“yah, don’t. junhong is doing his homework.” himchan snaps from where he’s sitting with the maknae at the dining table.

youngjae coolly turns off the tv again and drags jongup to their room. probably to harass daehyun.

“yongguk-hyung, himchan-hyung is not helping!” junhong grabs his notebook and textbook and runs from himchan’s glare to throw his skinny self onto yongguk’s lap.

the corners of yongguk’s lips twitch when he hears himchan stomps to the direction of their bedroom too. he’s contemplating youngjae’s idea. it seems challenging. he likes challenge; hell, it was a challenge to win himchan’s heart.


“alright alright.”


the next day they go to record a new variety show that involve them to run around MTV to complete a mission. they’re divided into two groups, and it’s just yongguk’s luck that himchan is with jongup and daehyun.

for the five hours recording, he manages to avoid his boyfriend; complete with a sour-i’m-not-amused-with-your-childish-sulking face. he catches himchan frowning at him as they drive back to the dorm, but he clenches his fist and holds on. he will probably buy youngjae a new ipod or something if his method works smoothly. he can feel himchan radiates frustration by the time they arrive.

as usual he’s the first to shower. he takes his time to scrub off today’s not so tiring reminiscences with the hot water. when he opens the bathroom door, himchan is leaning against the opposite wall; face unreadable, and he doesn’t have his towel with him.

yongguk grunts as he makes way to their room, but then himchan grabs his bare arms and pushes him back to the still steamy bathroom; closing the door behind him.

yongguk doesn’t bother to open his mouth, he just raises one eyebrow.

“what are you doing?” himchan sounds calm, but judging from the way his hands tremble, well...yongguk is hopeful.

“i’m going to take a nap before dinner.” yongguk tries to sound as monotone as possible.

“not that―!” himchan bites his bottom lip. “did i-did i do something?” yongguk pretends that he doesn’t understand, and himchan’s eyes go wild. “did i do something, yongguk-ah? you’ve been ignoring me all day! why!?”

yongguk clears his throat to prevent a laugh coming. so this is what they call as ‘a princess syndrome’. it does suit himchan anyway. but even a princess needs his lesson.

“what are you talking about.” yongguk gently pushes aside himchan’s body and goes to the door. but himchan hugs him from behind as he reaches for the handle. “himchannie? i’m tired,” he arranges his voice to sound displeased. himchan pulls back and gives yongguk’s left arm a good smack before he storms out of the bathroom, yelling,

“daehyun-ah! your turn!”

youngjae, yongguk decides, is on his top three favorite dongsaengs. but again, don’t tell junhong that.


two days later, on their free day, himchan slides under the cover and next to yongguk’s sleeping figure. yongguk is not a heavy sleeper, so he jerks awake. but when he realizes that it’s only his boyfriend, he instantly makes room and presses himchan closer to his chest.

the other members are still sleeping, so yongguk whispers,


it takes a moment for himchan to answer. and when he does, yongguk has butterflies in his stomach.

“i’m so sorry. from now on, i promise i won’t be that selfish anymore, yongguk-ah. please don’t hate me.”

“hm-mm.” yongguk feels like playing a little bit.

“yah,” himchan pinches his stomach, “i’m being serious!”

“ouch,” yongguk rubs his stomach cheekily, and pulls at himchan’s cheek. “okay. i love you, my princess.”

“ugh,” himchan climbs and straddles yongguk’s stomach, his eyes glistening. “i hate it when you call me that.”

“then what? my queen?”

“i hate you.”

“pfft. as if you can.”

“yes i can!”

“no you can’t hate me.”

“yes i can hate you.”

“not a chance.”

“want a proof?”

“oh my god, shut it, hyungs.” youngjae groans. “i think i’m going to throw up.”

if it wasn’t for youngjae’s idea; yongguk would have let himchan to throw a random thing at their dongsaeng. but since it was youngjae’s idea, he just pulls at himchan’s wrists so his boyfriend lays flat back on his arms. himchan doesn’t protest and snuggles, closing his eyes.

“we should go out, just the two of us. later, i mean. now let’s get some more sleep.” yongguk mumbles into himchan’s strawberry scented hair.

“you pay.” himchan mumbles back.

“yyyeaaah, you’re my princess after all.”

yongguk smiles as himchan smiles against his neck.

t h e e n d

#master-to the-list, #kpop slash

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