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Comments 34

theblobmaster October 31 2012, 13:32:30 UTC
okay after having this laying in my inbox for idk how long, i decided to try and read it. i fought my way through this. not because it's badly written more too well. my face is so fucking red right now and i had to stop every two second to calm myself down because so many details and i feel guilty because they are so so young. reading this at work, definitely a bad move, even if this age is allowed to have sex in denmark. i just can't. my face feels so hot right now, and neck.


stupidrhapsody October 31 2012, 14:12:28 UTC

... )


theblobmaster October 31 2012, 14:25:23 UTC
how did you get through writing this? the porn is good, just it's them and i felt like a pedo reading this tbh. if they had been older and not so seemingly innocent then i could take it.

i couldn't i'm at work, can't leave the shop unattended.


blackheart_lies October 31 2012, 21:43:49 UTC
you are so amazing ♥


stupidrhapsody November 2 2012, 00:02:53 UTC
again, my friend, thank you. hehe.


jaeholife February 11 2013, 19:59:42 UTC
You really write some if the best jonglo fic and their first time was awesomely written...

But really I read some comment on this abt hating JongUp topping
But the thing if you don't like it why bother then? Just ignore it like they don't exist at all ( like what I do) why bother and give a bad comment abt it.

But really looking forward to new shots from you and adding u in my friends list if u don't mind? but will only read banghim, daejae and jonglo though cause I love them only ;P


stupidrhapsody February 13 2013, 01:11:43 UTC
it's you again. thank you for reading dude hehe.

ah no worries that's my friend actually. but thanks for the concern *wriggle eyebrows*
anyway. while you're here, i'll just casually put these links, assuming you haven't read them;
are all banghim though. hehe. have a nice day dude.


porr March 18 2013, 05:43:35 UTC
SHIT. WHY HAVEN'T I READ THIS!!! //incoherent babbling
Oh my god. Wait. My brain is still not functioning, can't give a decent comment. Hold uppp, i will properly comment at home since I am reading your p0rn at school again asdfghjkl!!!!


stupidrhapsody March 26 2013, 14:31:47 UTC
thank you so much for this comment. i really liek. i myself still read jonglo on AFF. LJ is a lost cause for jonglo fics.

thanks again.


annethundr05 September 13 2015, 04:03:42 UTC
That was wonderfully squeetastic, & all that other stuff to describe amazing. (I'm high off medication, for my brochial infection, right now so yeah; this may not read well) A fic., staring my precious OTP, ugh JongLo for the win. Kudos author-nim, you have made my sick-day!(∩˃o˂∩)♡


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