Title: The Water Gardens Rating: G Word Count: 1,486 Genre: Friendship Summary: Baekhyun really doesn't like that orange-haired boy. He's a meanie who won't let him play with the fishies. Disclaimer: Not mine.
Title: Propriety Rating: G Word Count: 649 Genre: General Summary: The Lord of the Vale does not believe that the life of a Maester of the Citadel would befit his son... but Chen himself disagrees. Disclaimer: Not mine.
Title: Not Today Rating: PG Word Count: 492 Genre: Drama Summary: When Tyrosh is ransacked, one mother will do whatever she can to get the late Archon's son to safety. Disclaimer: Not mine.
Title: The Water Dance Rating: PG Word Count: 561 Genre: General Summary: Tao might be the greatest water dancer Braavos has ever seen, but that doesn't mean it was the life he would have chosen for himself. Disclaimer: Not mine. ( The Water Dance )
Title: Breakfast Rating: G Word Count: 521 Genre: Humour Summary: If there's one person that Baekhyun doesn't want disturbing his breakfast, it's Chanyeol Martell. But we don't always get what we want, do we? Disclaimer: Not mine. ( Breakfast )
Title: Border Patrol Rating: G Word Count: 1,385 Genre: Humour Summary: It's Baekhyun's first chance to prove himself as a worthy heir to the Tyrell family... but when he unexpectedly encounters a Dornishman, everything kind of goes to pot. Disclaimer: Not mine. ( Border Patrol )