I've been doing my resume for the past couple of hours, staring at the computer unblinkingly at the computer. Done most of it now, so I thought I'd have a break procrastinate and write this entry. However, this isn't really a break considering I'm typing my fingers off.
Who cares! After all, it's the 5th BWS. It's Kora Kengo!
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Comments 12
I hated Snakes and Earrings and I also hated Bandage but it really wasn't his fault (especially in Bandage he was the only reason I finished it).
Generally I truly believe in his talent and I want to watch a lot of his movies but I am waiting for them to be subbed...
Oh I also watched Norwegian wood that I didn't like so much and I still don't know exactly why...
Snakes & Earrings, he was cute - but I guess the story didn't do it for me. Bandage - yeah, I understand where you're coming from. I just didn't really like Bandage at all &, like you, he was the only reason I continued watching it -_-"
I didn't like Norwegian Wood. When he died, I watched about 20 mins more and couldn't watch it anymore. The plot didn't do it for me either - or perhaps it was the film interpretation, who knows? Considering I haven't read the book
I mean things that existed in both the film and the book seemed meaningless in the film.You didn't miss anything that you didn't finish it I assure you!
And he's really a very good actor. He's just amazing. :D
I hope I can watch the 'making of' of Fish Story! I might need to look for the DVD online, too. LOL.
YES! DO WATCH FISH STORY! I think finding the dvd is the best option because it's worth the buy and is difficult to track online. Haha. xD
I love both actors. and i love Kengo in Bandage and i agree i like him better in bands drama.
Btw I haven't show this to you yet it's on friend's only
I love onichan no hanabi. <3 It was really touching and refreshing to watch. Where did you find Marks no Yama? I really want to watch it now. ^^ Looks pretty interesting.
Yeah! When I screen capped the movies for this post, I realised how many characters he has played that have died. HAHA. Maybe he's just good at portraying them well, therefore making his characters memorable, right? :)
maybe i watch to much movie from him make me realize that he will always died or kill someone..but he is definitely someone who will steal the show even he is not the lead (ex. bandage..many have said they watch bandage for jin but it turnout they fell in love with kora)..now i cannot wait for him and yuriko to star in movie again this year..oh i forgot..do you watch ohisama?nhk drama..he starring as a husband for the lead actress..cute!!!
He does manage to steal the spotlight because he's really talented. Um, I've only watched the first or second ep of Ohisama, so he hasn't appeared yet. When does he appear? :) Is it later on? :D
I started with Tsumi to Batsu.
And I realize he acted in many psychopath roles :P
Haven't seen those movies above that you recommended, but will,soon.
Thank you for your review.
It convinced me more to try those movies :P
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