I've been doing my resume for the past couple of hours, staring at the computer unblinkingly at the computer. Done most of it now, so I thought I'd have a break procrastinate and write this entry. However, this isn't really a break considering I'm typing my fingers off.
Who cares! After all, it's the 5th BWS. It's Kora Kengo!
Kora Kengo is a Japanese actor and model. Born in 1987, blood type O, is a Scorpio - and that's all I really know about him. I did some googling to find more info, but was unsuccessful (unless any of you are willing to link me?). So, I'll just concentrate on his of wide range of works. ;)
Fish Story (2009) is the most recent Kora Kengo movie I've seen about, basically, how one song can save the world. ;) By far one of my favourite movies ever and I do not regret purchasing the DVD (after thoroughly searching for it) online. It's spectacular. The whole movie is incredible, and it makes me happier to know that Kora Kengo starred in it as well. If you haven't seen it, I strongly suggest you add it to your 'to watch' lists. It's that good and uniquely captivating.
Click to view
(One of my favourite scenes in the movie)
Kora Kengo doesn't have many scenes because Fish Story is a collection of flashbacks and multiple stories combined. Kengo acted out a main vocalist, yet his character was quiet but you could feel how passionate he was when he'd perform with the band.
"The story of my solitude
If my solitude were a fish
It'd be so enormous, so militant."
- Fish Story
It's only when I looked at the 'making of', I found out that Kengo has never sung before. What I love about Fish Story is that they all 'learned' how to play the song that they were given. You see Kora Kengo working hard, learning how to sing and training his vocals. They looked like a believable band when formed. The song was even composed by Kazuyoshi Saito. And it really surprised me because Kengo
sang like a pro despite him being a novice. If I hadn't seen 'the making of' I would think that Kengo was a singer as well. That's how believable he was.
Oniichan no Hanabi (2010) is another movie of his that I like. Kengo acts as Sudo Taro. The film beings with Sudo's sister (Tanimura Mitsuki) coming home from hospital after recovering from leukaemia, only to discover that Taro has become a recluse.
I adored how Kengo acted antisocial, but of course I loved the relationship between him and his sister - who would try her best to get Taro out of the house. From faking a fire, to taking him shopping and even dressing him like a girl ^^. Mitsuki shines in this movie. She's also another Japanese actress that you've got to keep an eye out in the future - very versatile from what I've seen her in.
Kengo acted really well because you could see how his character struggled to join the outside world again. You see that Taro's sister eventually gets him out of his cave and how Taro, despite it being very hard for him, tries his best for his sister because of how much he cares for her.
If you're in the mood for something mellow and sweet,
Solalin (2010) is a nice movie to watch. Kengo acts as Nario who is the lead singer and guitarist to a band.
Taneda struggled to work because all that he could think about was pursuing his dream and playing the guitar. He'd work only for the money, but you could tell he wasn't happy.
It also mainly focuses on his relationship/love story with his girlfriend Meiko (Miyazaki Aoi) and how they live together searching for what they really want in life. They're relationship in the movie is really cute and looks quite realistic.
& I couldn't help but add that just because xD
And then you compare Taneda to someone like Ama from
Snakes and Earrings (2008). A complete flip. Kengo's character Ama is kinda cute despite his punk-like appearance. In Snakes and Earrings he acts as Saeki's (Yoshitaka Yuriko) boyfriend. In one of the first scenes, he's dancing by himself at some club and spots Saeki staring at him. He approaches her and shows off his snake's tongue, which Saeki is completely fascinated by.
He's naive, charming and innocent yet hot-tempered when anybody tries to hurt Saeki (ie. presenting Saeki two teeth from the guy he beat up for her).
We can't forget the cold-hearted stoic Yukiya in
BANDAGE (2010). Another band role as one of the side characters, yet managing to direct all eyes on him even if he made Natu's girlfriend, at that time, cheat with him to prove that she 'ruined' Lands. Which was totally kickass, mind you!
"Coming out to the beach with a man who isn't your boyfriend and doing this with him. Surely that's loneliness."
I think he does acting in a band well. Maybe that's why I get attracted to the movies he's in? Now that I think of it, ever since Fish Story he seems to betting a lot of band roles. Not bad for someone who hadn't had singing experience previously. ;)
There are more movies I'm seen him in. From the adorable boyfriend in
Norwegian Wood (2010) <3 to
A Crowd of Three (2010) with Matsuda Shota. Then there was
Into The White Night (2010) where he acts out Ryouji. He acted well, but I wasn't really 'into' that movie because Horikita Maki's acting wasn't convincing enough to me.
I didn't realise I've watched a lot of his things until I started screen capping. A think I'm in love, or to some extent 'like', majority of the movies he's starred in. I can't remember what was my first movie I've seen him in, so these screencaps of different movies will be a bit everywhere.
He's nice to the eyes and is very versatile when acting - something that always pleases me. I mean, look at all the roles he's done? He's not afraid to take over-the-top roles, and (to me) he's probably one of the few Japanese boy actors I see that isn't ashamed to do a lot of sex scenes. Haha. Yes, you had to know that too.
Anyway, here's a a mini picspam ;)
What else? He's also in
uniqlo ad &
smartphone ad. I always look at his uniqlo add and drool. Haha. I remember when I saw him the smartphone add in Japan, I couldn't help but grin xD
He's a really great actor. If you haven't seen anything of his, I really recommend that you go check him out!
here to see the BWS index for other editions)