You sound busy in such a great way! YAAAAAY! I'm all happy for you and stuff. Even we if miss you, this is all good, so keep on doing it! We'll totally be here if/when you decide to take a RL break. :D
I'll still read LJ (almost) daily, but I can't won't let it take over "work" hours. Unless my fingertips are bleeding and I can use that as an excuse to put down my guitar and bleed over my keyboard instead. *bg*
Hehe, yes. RL is good atm. I can't even complain about it because this is what I want to do, you know? I just... I don't even have time to watch Callum movies anymore! That's so NOT right. *sigh*
Comments 12
and, hey! you're doing cool rl stuff. (just come back from time to time. or hugh will miss you *g*)
And yeah, I'll be around. Just... not as often. *dramatic sigh*
*does not ask about TEH weevils*
I miss you but you're doing neat RL things so you're forgiven. :D
I miss you too. Staying away from LJ is hard. :/
I'll enjoy the squee from the sidelines, for now. *huuuuuuuugs and twirls you*
I'll still read LJ (almost) daily, but I can't won't let it take over "work" hours. Unless my fingertips are bleeding and I can use that as an excuse to put down my guitar and bleed over my keyboard instead. *bg*
Forget about you??!? *brain does not compute*
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