Ghost Town - Magnificent 7/Supernatural - 7/8

Jun 05, 2008 09:44

Title: Ghost Town (7/8)
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: Lyl_Devil and Pen37
Rated: PG-13
Fandom: Supernatural & The Magnificent 7 (TV series)
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester; The Seven: Chris Larabee, Buck Wilmington, Vin Tanner, Ezra Standish, Nathan Jackson, Josiah Sanchez, JD Dunne; OMC - Mathew Tanner
Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators. Mathew Tanner is mine

Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester investigate the town of Four Corners and find that the ghosts of six men have been protecting/haunting the town for over a century.

Chapter Summary: Sam and Dean try to convince Mathew Tanner to help them exorcise the ghosts

Chapter List:
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8

Chapter 7

“Now what?” Dean asked as he watched the garage door close behind Tanner’s car.

“We tell him the truth and hope he does the right thing,” Sam said pulling the papers he’d pilfered from the Clarions’ files from his jacket. Sam had shared what he’d discovered with Dean on the ride back and he just hoped that Tanner would be able to see the big picture.

Dean parked and they approached the front door. It opened before they were half-way up the walk.

“I know who you are Sam and Dean Winchester and I know what you want.” Mathew called to them. “I think it’s best if you leave now.”

Sam stopped at the first step to the porch, Dean right behind him, and held up the papers. “I think you’re going to want to see what I found.”

“What is that?” he asked.

“A way to save your precious town,” Dean replied.

Mathew eyed the documents in Sam’s hand with suspicion but didn’t respond.

“Mr. Tanner, I promise you this is not a trick,” Sam said pulling out his most congenial tone. “It’s true, our goal is to move the ghosts on from this plane of existence but I think once you see what I have, you will be willing to let them go.”

“Alright, you’ve got five minutes.” Mathew said as he moved to allow the Winchesters to enter and then guided them into the living room.

Sam handed the papers to the lawyer. “These are the deeds to the land that encompasses the town and much of the surrounding area.”

Mathew paged quickly through the documents. “These all say the land belongs to Vin Tanner. How do hundred year old documents help my case today?”

“I believe that as the town was dying, your ancestor bought up all the land he could.” Sam explained. “He owned it all.”

“And?” Mathew prompted, skepticism still infusing every word.

Dean rolled his eyes. Sam always had to be so dramatic. He ignored their conversation and focused on examining what he could see of the interior of the house from where he stood. He wasn’t as confident as Sam that Tanner would just turn over the box once they’d presented their case.

“The last pages are a bequest of the land on Vin’s part to the state with the proviso that the land be set aside as a national park and historical site.”

Mathew flipped to the pages and studied the document. “The National Park service was in its infancy when these documents were drawn up. Still, there’s no record of this transaction on file. I should know, we checked with every government agency that might have been involved.”

“Exactly. My guess is the proper paperwork never got filed or maybe there was no system to grant such designation in New Mexico at that time. There’s no way to know for sure what happened.” Sam said.

“My family always believed that the land was a protected site. But if what you say is true then that means… the town…” he paused as realization dawned but still found himself unable to express his epiphany.

“It means because the final paper work was never completed that the land still belongs to the Tanner family,” Sam grinned.

Mathew lowered himself to the couch and stared at the documents in his hand. “Travis and I always suspected that Saunders bribed some officials to lay claim to Four Corners but we cold never prove it,” he said numbly. “I’d always hoped that we could uncover the corruption but I never suspected…” he trailed off.

Sam came to sit next to Mathew. “The town’s yours. These documents should help prove your case and uncover what ever deals were made behind the scenes on Saunders behalf.”

“I don’t know what to say. I’m in your debt. Chris said you’d been in the Clarion offices; was pretty angry about it too. I would have never thought to look there,” Mathew admitted.

Sam cleared his throat and looked toward Dean who encouraged him to get on with it. “Yeah, speaking of Chris, we heard him mention a box.”

Mathew had suspected that the brother’s had overheard his conversation with Chris. “You want the heirlooms. Vin’s collection.”

“With you in control of the town, their mission is complete. It’s time to let them go.” Sam said sympathetically.

Tanner laughed. “I don’t have that kind of power. They do pretty much what ever they want.”

“We salt and burn those trinkets,” Dean explained. “And they won’t have a choice. Their anchor to this world will be gone and they will move on.”

“But they’re my friends,” Mathew protested weakly.

Sensing capitulation, Sam gave Mathew his most understanding face and pressed him to agree, “It’s for the best. Please go get the box?”

Mathew nodded his shoulders slumped in defeat. “You’re right. It would be best before they do something that gets someone hurt.”

“Smart man.” Dean said.

Mathew stood, left the room and returned with a wooden box the size of a small toaster oven. It was covered in ornately carved Native American Symbols.

Dean reached for the box and Mathew pulled it back. “I want to say goodbye. We do this in the graveyard. They deserve to know the good news about the town and why this is happening.”

“That may not be such a good idea.” Dean said. “Especially if they don’t want to go.”

“Then bring your shotguns but we do this my way.”

Sam and Dean shared a look before agreeing to Mathew’s demands. “Can we see what’s in the box, at least?”

Mathew set it down on the coffee table and turned the key to open the lid. He emptied the box, placing six objects on the table: a pocket watch, a wooden cross, a medical instrument, a set of cuff links, a deck of cards and a yellowed picture of a blonde woman and her son. Sam picked up the picture.

“Chris’ wife and son. They died in a fire.” Mathew said and then grimaced. “I guess they will again when you burn these things.”

Sam didn’t know what to say as he placed the picture back on the table.

“What about the box?” Dean asked.

“You’re not burning that.” Mathew said defensively. “Vin Tanner carved that himself. It’s a family heirloom.”

“It’s okay. We don’t need the box just these things.” Sam assured him.

The lawyer nodded. “I brought you this,” he said as he pulled a plastic bag from his pocket and handed it to the younger Winchester. Sam placed each of the things inside.

“Let’s go then. Our car’s out front.” Dean said as he headed for the door.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to drive myself.” When Sam made to protest, Mathew added, “Don’t worry, you can keep the bag with you. I’m ready to do what needs to be done but to be honest; I’d rather not ride back with you two when it’s over.”

buck wilmington, vin tanner, mag7, dean winchester, chris larabee, supernatural, ezra standish, sam winchester, josiah sanchez, nathan jackson, my fic, mathew tanner (oc), crossover, jd dunne

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